Too Many Veterans in Congress


On impulse, I just did some quick digging. It turns out that the recent trend is far from the aberation some Republican partisans would have it. In fact, the Republican Congresses of the past 12 years have actually included fewer military veterans than more liberal, Democrat dominated Congresses traditionally have.

In the Post Newt era, military veterans have generally made up only about 31% of Congress. That's far less than was traditionally the case in recent Democrat dominated Congresses. So this month's surge of Democratic congress people who are also veterans is nothing new or surprising.

The thing is, though, that military veterans make up less than 12% of the adult population. While I have nothing against veterans serving in Congress and have voted for many over the years, I question whether it is in the bet interests of the nation for such a small minority so heavily over-represented in the legislative branch.

Among us liberals, there's a commonly held belief that veterans are less likely to support aggressive military adventures than are non-veterans. The relative pausity of veterans in the past 6 Republican dominated Congresses lends support to this idea. Still, the immensely bloated number of veterans in Congress over the past 40 years leads me to question the validity of the principle.
I think military vets, generally speaking, are going to be much more judicious in sending our boys and girls into harms way.

And the way our volunteer armed forces have been abused in the last three years, I think they need some more advocates on capitol hill. I'm pleased some more veterans got elected.
On impulse, I just did some quick digging. It turns out that the recent trend is far from the aberation some Republican partisans would have it. In fact, the Republican Congresses of the past 12 years have actually included fewer military veterans than more liberal, Democrat dominated Congresses traditionally have.

In the Post Newt era, military veterans have generally made up only about 31% of Congress. That's far less than was traditionally the case in recent Democrat dominated Congresses. So this month's surge of Democratic congress people who are also veterans is nothing new or surprising.

The thing is, though, that military veterans make up less than 12% of the adult population. While I have nothing against veterans serving in Congress and have voted for many over the years, I question whether it is in the bet interests of the nation for such a small minority so heavily over-represented in the legislative branch.

Among us liberals, there's a commonly held belief that veterans are less likely to support aggressive military adventures than are non-veterans. The relative pausity of veterans in the past 6 Republican dominated Congresses lends support to this idea. Still, the immensely bloated number of veterans in Congress over the past 40 years leads me to question the validity of the principle.

Do the same research on Lawyers ... Ive been bitching for years that there are too many Lawyers between the walls of Congress ... some would say well... "they are Lawmakers so they should be well versed in that arena "... I say poppycock... the House was designed for the working man while the Senate was geared more for the Professional ... we all have the same right to run and serve.... The Bar Association has rigged the system for their own benefit.... they have designed the Laws so we the people have no idea of whats going on unless we hire one of them to interpret it for us ...
A good example is Marijuana ... a natural plant that is outlawed .. why? Because some people would dry it... grind it..., roll it and smoke it. Big fricken deal... but they've created a multi million dollar litigation system around its illegality.... Lawyers stand to make more money off its illegality than if it were we keep it that way....for their benefit. The smoking laws and subsequent litigation around it is a big joke .... another windfall for the Bar Association. Who has benefited the most from both the Campaign Contributions from the Tobacco Companies and the recent litigation against them? Of course...if you said the Bar Association you are absolutely correct! The halls of Congress are littered with these varmints and we just keep voting them into office ..year after year, And they keep smiling all they way to the bank.

No... Veterans are not the problem.
Do the same research on Lawyers ... Ive been bitching for years that there are too many Lawyers between the walls of Congress ... some would say well... "they are Lawmakers so they should be well versed in that arena "... I say poppycock... the House was designed for the working man while the Senate was geared more for the Professional ..

About 30% of the House of Representatives have law degrees, or have passed the Bar Exam.
The Bar Association has rigged the system for their own benefit.... they have designed the Laws so we the people have no idea of whats going on unless we hire one of them to interpret it for us ...
A.....The halls of Congress are littered with these varmints and we just keep voting them into office ..year after year, And they keep smiling all they way to the bank.

No... Veterans are not the problem.

Fair point.

Why write this:

"55:13A-2. Declaration of policy; liberal construction
This act being deemed and hereby declared remedial legislation necessary for the protection of the health and welfare of the residents of this State in order to assure the provision therefor of decent, standard and safe units of dwelling space, shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes and intent thereof."

when you can write something concise and to the point and in modern day english like: This is act has been set up to protect residents....yada yada yada.
Vietnam was run by the politicians.

Iraq is run by the lawyers.

I'm all for getting the lawyers out of congress.

I've never met a lawyer I respected.