Too much tolerance?


1960s Chick Magnet
Why do decent American people who hate Donald Trump with every sub-atomic particle in their respective bodies...

which is an absolute requisite for being a decent American person...

fail to take the same attitude toward the 63,000,000 saboteurs of the republic who voted for that despicable mound of rancid protoplasm?

Trump's only honest move in his life was not veiling his true self during his campaign.
Every single one of those 63,000,000 cretins knew exactly what they were voting for.
They deliberately stuck a rusty dagger into the liver of our nation.

Each and every one of them deserves the same incredibly profound disrespect--hatred, really--that it's almost impossible not to have for the orange baboon.
I will go to into my beautiful brass urn and then into the plot next to my parents without my disgust for these saboteurs diminishing one iota.
If ever there was an irredeemable act, voting for fuckface Trump was it.
Why do decent American people who hate Donald Trump with every sub-atomic particle in their respective bodies...

which is an absolute requisite for being a decent American person...

fail to take the same attitude toward the 63,000,000 saboteurs of the republic who voted for that despicable mound of rancid protoplasm?

Trump's only honest move in his life was not veiling his true self during his campaign.
Every single one of those 63,000,000 cretins knew exactly what they were voting for.
They deliberately stuck a rusty dagger into the liver of our nation.

Each and every one of them deserves the same incredibly profound disrespect--hatred, really--that it's almost impossible not to have for the orange baboon.
I will go to into my beautiful brass urn and then into the plot next to my parents without my disgust for these saboteurs diminishing one iota.
If ever there was an irredeemable act, voting for fuckface Trump was it.

I absolutely agree with every word!
This is the end of a once great nation.
Our only small chance to save what's left of America.Is the midterms.
But even then,we probably need a bloody Revolution or a Miracle for America not to be swallowed by the fascist mob ruling America.
Actually Don is the perfect face of america to the rest of the world at this moment in time. He truly does display the values of this culture and we have much work to do if we really don't accept this as who we wish to be. Blaming someone else is what partisanshit is all about - the total avoidance of responsibility through blame.
Actually Don is the perfect face of america to the rest of the world at this moment in time. He truly does display the values of this culture and we have much work to do if we really don't accept this as who we wish to be. Blaming someone else is what partisanshit is all about - the total avoidance of responsibility through blame.


I hope that you're not one of those people who think that we can all work and live together.

Our values are far too incompatible for that.

It's now a matter of us or them.

All the energy is at the poles.
The middle is irrelevant.

Ethnic and cultural diversity is fine. I think that it's a strength.
Ideological diversity, on the other hand, makes it impossible for certain factions of people to co-exist.

I can't be a Pollyanna about it. Everybody has to grow a pair and choose a side.
Why do decent American people who hate Donald Trump with every sub-atomic particle in their respective bodies...

which is an absolute requisite for being a decent American person...

fail to take the same attitude toward the 63,000,000 saboteurs of the republic who voted for that despicable mound of rancid protoplasm?

Trump's only honest move in his life was not veiling his true self during his campaign.
Every single one of those 63,000,000 cretins knew exactly what they were voting for.
They deliberately stuck a rusty dagger into the liver of our nation.

Each and every one of them deserves the same incredibly profound disrespect--hatred, really--that it's almost impossible not to have for the orange baboon.
I will go to into my beautiful brass urn and then into the plot next to my parents without my disgust for these saboteurs diminishing one iota.
If ever there was an irredeemable act, voting for fuckface Trump was it.

Which do you detest most, Trump or his disgusting dupes?
I support the OP. Now get out there and start irritating the fuck out of the electorate so as to ensure a guaranteed outcome in November.


I hope that you're not one of those people who think that we can all work and live together.

Our values are far too incompatible for that.

It's now a matter of us or them.

All the energy is at the poles.
The middle is irrelevant.

Ethnic and cultural diversity is fine. I think that it's a strength.
Ideological diversity, on the other hand, makes it impossible for certain factions of people to co-exist.

I can't be a Pollyanna about it. Everybody has to grow a pair and choose a side.

I'm with you on this. Why do we have to compromise with hate?

WTF is a conservative democrat?
Which do you detest most, Trump or his disgusting dupes?

dump is clueless, he doesn't know what he's doing.

His disgusting dupes are the right wing radio, fox news, tea bagger, republican klan members pulling his strings.

Its the alt right his racist followers voted for.
Good question.

I guess we'll have to ask Joe Manchin or Claire McCaskill.

They are republican plants the GOPigs cheated to help get elected to make sure the dems agenda is thwarted.

We don't need the republican party to tell us who we need to nominate. We need to get rid of all conservative democrats, blue dogs, republican like politicians on the Dems side instead of Nancy Pelosi, who the racist right hates.

We need to stop trying to please the right or the middle they will NEVER vote for a Dem.
Why do decent American people who hate Donald Trump with every sub-atomic particle in their respective bodies...

which is an absolute requisite for being a decent American person...

fail to take the same attitude toward the 63,000,000 saboteurs of the republic who voted for that despicable mound of rancid protoplasm?

Trump's only honest move in his life was not veiling his true self during his campaign.
Every single one of those 63,000,000 cretins knew exactly what they were voting for.
They deliberately stuck a rusty dagger into the liver of our nation.

Each and every one of them deserves the same incredibly profound disrespect--hatred, really--that it's almost impossible not to have for the orange baboon.
I will go to into my beautiful brass urn and then into the plot next to my parents without my disgust for these saboteurs diminishing one iota.
If ever there was an irredeemable act, voting for fuckface Trump was it.

The only ones that get passes on continued Trump support, are family, and long time friends. Others I basically have nothing to do with in any positive sort of way. I'm a nonsecular person, and this world is fleeting, so I just let them go by the wayside.
Why do decent American people who hate Donald Trump with every sub-atomic particle in their respective bodies...

which is an absolute requisite for being a decent American person...

fail to take the same attitude toward the 63,000,000 saboteurs of the republic who voted for that despicable mound of rancid protoplasm?

Trump's only honest move in his life was not veiling his true self during his campaign.
Every single one of those 63,000,000 cretins knew exactly what they were voting for.
They deliberately stuck a rusty dagger into the liver of our nation.

Each and every one of them deserves the same incredibly profound disrespect--hatred, really--that it's almost impossible not to have for the orange baboon.
I will go to into my beautiful brass urn and then into the plot next to my parents without my disgust for these saboteurs diminishing one iota.
If ever there was an irredeemable act, voting for fuckface Trump was it.

I guess you weren't around for the Obama Presidency
I absolutely agree with every word!
This is the end of a once great nation.
Our only small chance to save what's left of America.Is the midterms.
But even then,we probably need a bloody Revolution or a Miracle for America not to be swallowed by the fascist mob ruling America.

Mid-terms are more likely to help Trump than hurt him...whether more Democrats or more Republicans are elected. If the former...anything bad will be assigned to them; if the blame will ever be assigned to them.

The damage this piece of shit will do to America...HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

Nifty is correct. The assholes who helped get this abomination elected deserve all the scorn and contempt that a reasonable person can muster.

Make no mistake about it...the damage has already been done...and is irreparable for the next three/four decades.