Tooth #8


Worst gambler ever
Tomorrow, I am going to have the 5th Tooth#8 removed and the 6th implanted in my face.
This will be the 6th time this slot has been occupied.

The new tooth has never been where the previous teeth have, I hope it can handle the burden. There are countless cigarettes, cigars, cups of coffee, and chewing tobacco that will encumber this tooth, I'll spare you the unspeakables. . If he can't hold up, if he turns brown like the previous 5, then he will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Hopefully, he doesn't put up a fight, for fighting is futile. Its suicide.
What time's your appointment?

I spoke to future tooth #8 this morning. Quite frankly I don't think he's up to the task. A real slacker that one.
He's not going to be as vulnerable to browning out as #5, Beefy, because the temporaries (like #5) are really porous and your new, permanent #6 will be made of porcelain.

But chewing tabacky, really? Ugh! Man, I have a strong stomach but the thought of that just about tips me over the edge!

I'm sure your dentist will have advice for you on caring for all your teeth, not just the newbie.

Good luck! :D