Top US general predicts that much of the world's armies, navies, and air forces 'will


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Top US general predicts that much of the world's armies, navies, and air forces 'will be robotic' in 15 years, if not sooner

The top US general says technology is changing the ways that wars are being fought.

He said that robots will play a huge role in the world's armies, navies, and air forces within the next decade or so.

Gen. Mark Milley also highlighted the role of artificial intelligence as a military application.

Technology is changing the ways that war is being fought, and the top US general predicts this will lead to an increasing use of robots in armies, navies, and air forces.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told the Eurasia Group Foundation on a podcast that the world is undergoing a "fundamental change" in the "character of war." Unlike the "nature of war," which Milley described to mean human dynamics and intra-country relationships, he clarified that the character of the war incorporates items like tactics, weapons, technologies, organizations, and management.

"Character of war changes frequently. It changes every time you have a new weapon and so on," Milley said in the podcast, which aired Tuesday. "But fundamentally, it only changes once in a while. Today we are undergoing the most significant and most fundamental change in the character of war. And it's really, this time, being driven by technology."

He pointed out that sensing capabilities have changed the way militaries strike, arguing that the "ability to hit with precision munitions is unlike anything humans have ever witnessed before."


Orca is a larger version of Boeing’s Echo Voyager prototype XLUUV. Echo Voyager weighs 50 tons, has a range of 6,500 miles, a top speed of eight knots, and a maximum diving depth of 11,000 feet. Echo Voyager also featured a 34-foot-long payload bay. Orca is likely faster and built to sail farther than her predecessor.

Right now, the prime candidate for the Orca’s payload bay is the Mk.-67 submarine-launched mobile mine (SLMM). SLMM is based on the Mk.-37 heavyweight torpedo, a 1960s-era guided torpedo. A new submarine-delivered mine, Hammerhead, is based on the Mk.-54 lightweight anti-submarine torpedo and is aimed at interdicting enemy submarines.

One option is for the Navy to modify Hammerhead to engage surface ships, with the main advantage that an Orca could carry many more of the smaller, more modern Hammerheads than the larger, obsolete SLMM. There might also be a classified program that is developing a larger, direct replacement for the SLMM.
In the New World Order designed by the Chinese militaries will be ceremonial, all but the global elites police force, which at this point looks like it will be run out of the UN.