Topper can't have his cake and eat it too


Villified User
Oil price 'threatens US economy'

Sustained oil prices close to $80 a barrel could hit US economic growth, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman has said.

The US economy has never faced such high prices for "an extended period," Mr Bodman warned.

There is concern about whether oil supplies can meet global demand and Mr Bodman urged oil producing nations to increase output to avoid shortages.

Oil prices have fallen back slightly after hitting a record intraday high of $78.77 a barrel on Wednesday.

Sustainability fears

Analysts say that a price rise above $80 is inevitable, raising concerns about the effect of energy costs on inflation.

Higher oil prices drive up the costs for businesses who pass those increases on to customers. And with the price of petrol at the pump close to $3 a gallon, it is feared that higher fuel bills will begin to dent consumer spending.
People are still buying hot tubs like candy at the Puyallup fair. So I say the luxury item market, a baramoter of the disposable income market, is strong in the Northwest.
Umm many real economists think we will be paying a price for the over $80 oil.
If you had only studied in economics 101 instead of playing pocket pool with the guy next to you ....
we'll see gramps
pull the post where I said 80 oil was good for the economy.
you cant because i didn't say it
Your a ged moron grasping at straws desparate toake economic points on your master
Umm Topper this post from just a couple agoseems to indicate that over $80 oil does not hurt the economy.

"go to school usc
oil is at 81.60 and the economy is growing"