Topper! Geau Tigers!



LSU whipped GaTech like a redheaded stepchild.

Why didn'tthey play like that all year? GA blow ya'll out. Then GA gets killed by GATech. Then ya'll make GaTech look like an ACC team. (oops, thats right they ARE an ACC team)
How is LSU looking for next year?

And did anyone else see where Terry Bowdon took a job at Univ of North Alabama? Little guy is back to coaching.
Talk about a great last game for my soon to be daughter in law (she's a golden girl).
Les Miles (the mad hatter) is excellent at bowl game prep.
Also, we we're dinged in the DL they had time to recover.
While I'm a mile high, the reality is LSU has GLARING weaknesses on D. Super slow linebackers, no experience or talent at safety and one corner.
GT was one dimensional and you can cover weaknesses especially when your opponents stregnth doesn't exploit them.
That said the emergence of JJ (he looks like vince young to me), will lock down QB for 2 yrs. That was only his second start.
We have everybody back except a couple linemen on both sides and the MLB who was hurt all year.
Hoping for the tide to roll as well as the tigers did.