Topspin = giant pussy

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Topspin started pm ing me because I embarass him in publicly held discussions.

I told him to take it public or stfu.

He hasnt pmed since, or taken it to the board. what a pussy.
He did the same with me and for the same reason, then created some clones and did it again. Has he dissed your family yet?

Call him a faggot and watch his reaction. He's obviously got issues with that.
lmao...topspin's MO, or should we say emo, is to pm everyone who kicks his ass on the board and then insult them in pm....what a coward, i thought he just did that to me

i think he is bi polar, because he can be cool, and then he is just a total poop head that insults people's family and children....
topspin hurt my feelings can we get demerits against him.
Azztool, you admitted online that you were laid off 3x. Please don't make me laugh that your upset that someone is cracking you on it.
lmao...topspin's MO, or should we say emo, is to pm everyone who kicks his ass on the board and then insult them in pm....what a coward, i thought he just did that to me

i think he is bi polar, because he can be cool, and then he is just a total poop head that insults people's family and children....

I don't like neocon parrots, dr, ambulance chasing fools
You ARE a neocon parrot, stupid.

What's the difference between you and a neocon?

#1. He has an IQ over 60
#2. He doesn't live in a trailer park
#3. He has all his own teeth.
#4. He finished the 9th grade.
#5. He is not married to his first cousin.
#6. He does not have a restraining order filed against him by a famous porn star.