Topspin is great

Toppy's a man of few words. I hated his ass at first, then I realized he's a goddamned genuis.
Toppy's a man of few words. I hated his ass at first, then I realized he's a goddamned genuis.

I remember when everyone except me hated his MBA shtick. People used to go ballistic over it. Now, its all mellow, and he talks much more about drugs then the value of his portfolio (I blame the recession).

I remember when everyone except me hated his MBA shtick. People used to go ballistic over it. Now, its all mellow, and he talks much more about drugs then the value of his portfolio (I blame the recession).


Yeah. His one liner quips used to piss me off, then one day he was real proud of his boy and started a thread about how he was doing well in college sports and he became human. Then I realized, holy shit! My man is right about a lot of shit! Work hard, get educated, be real and life's all good.
Toppy's a man of few words. I hated his ass at first, then I realized he's a goddamned genuis.


you can't be serious.....he can't even spell "peace"....until i told him peace wasn't spelled piece he didn't wasn't a typo....he didn't know

he may be witty at times on the insults, but he is no genius.....anyone that has to talk about another man's wife and daughter the way he no genius....

you can't be serious.....he can't even spell "peace"....until i told him peace wasn't spelled piece he didn't wasn't a typo....he didn't know

he may be witty at times on the insults, but he is no genius.....anyone that has to talk about another man's wife and daughter the way he no genius....

Grind and Beefy are just trying to help out Topspin. :good4u:
I would guess that he sent out a whole slew of "HELP ME" messages. :palm:

you can't be serious.....he can't even spell "peace"....until i told him peace wasn't spelled piece he didn't wasn't a typo....he didn't know

he may be witty at times on the insults, but he is no genius.....anyone that has to talk about another man's wife and daughter the way he no genius....

LOL Toppy can't spell anything, at all. He beats out Desh as the worst speller this site has to offer.
I smoke Nazi rightwingers almost as often as Blunts.

I'm a born poor cajun that can't spell, you bunch of discriminating awholes.
Word to the m*ther effing street. In spite of his inclination to go off on misogynistic rants, shorty is a-okay. The dude is down with the ganja, he’s totally hip to America’s racial injustice and to rightwing whitey’s total denial of it, and the mofo totally knows that the afghan and Iraq wars are based on lies. Yeah, the mofo can’t spell. But shorty knows that we were attacked on 9/11 by Saudi citizens, in a plot hatched in a German apartment, backed by Saudi money, and facilitated by people in the Saudi government. The dude knows that killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis is an exercise in bloodlust and pipelines that has nothing to do with a criminal act perpetrated on 9/11. In short, Topper is totally hip to things that some Democrats and all reich wing war mongers are willfully blind too.

you can't be serious.....he can't even spell "peace"....until i told him peace wasn't spelled piece he didn't wasn't a typo....he didn't know

he may be witty at times on the insults, but he is no genius.....anyone that has to talk about another man's wife and daughter the way he no genius....

You're talking to people who spell genius as "genuis".

In the grand scheme of things, Topper gets the asshole pass because he does it so well.

Grind is a dork and his preoccupation for reinventing himself is demonstrable proof he still hasn't found his footing on this big ol' chunk of dirt we call earth.

you can't be serious.....he can't even spell "peace"....until i told him peace wasn't spelled piece he didn't wasn't a typo....he didn't know

he may be witty at times on the insults, but he is no genius.....anyone that has to talk about another man's wife and daughter the way he no genius....
Oh chill the fuck out. Of course Toppy's a genius.....but he's certainly no Grind either!!!
"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast." -Shooter McGavin
