

Worst gambler ever
Are you still supporting Hillatard?

I thought you said you were going to support another candidate because of the pot issue, but I can't remember.
Yes, I'll support the dem nominee. I mostly yank the chain of the wussy dem faction. You know the ones afraid of woman with brains.
Pot is my main issue. Locking up 700,000 kids (could be mine) for an herb is Ghestapo like. Secondly, this country is so rich why can't we afford healthcare. I think Doctors should be price controlled but I'm the only one who thinks $700 to say good moring on rounds is a rip off. And after the billions pissed in Iraq I don't even acknowledge republicans on ANY question of can we afford it.
Yes, I'll support the dem nominee. I mostly yank the chain of the wussy dem faction. You know the ones afraid of woman with brains.
Pot is my main issue. Locking up 700,000 kids (could be mine) for an herb is Ghestapo like. Secondly, this country is so rich why can't we afford healthcare. I think Doctors should be price controlled but I'm the only one who thinks $700 to say good moring on rounds is a rip off. And after the billions pissed in Iraq I don't even acknowledge republicans on ANY question of can we afford it.

Topspin--I can tell you why most people that currently have health insurance will not able to maintain their lifestyle. Yes sir--I am talking about the back bone of this country. The American worker. I don't know how you make your money, or if you buy your own health insurance (I buy my own), but I do know what I am talking about on this one. Most employuees presently get theri health insurance through their employeer (for the better then shitty jobs left anyway--see the trend there?). The Employeer is struggeling to stay in business right now---all over the world accept slave countries. We also have the most frivolous spending government in the world which has no social program that is not going broke. Now--back to the employeer. With a national care social system (by the way Canada is becoming more privatived according to some of my customers there), the emploeer will get some relief. That money will go right into theri bottom line though, because they need it. You must believe we are facing economic disaster, and we have to be very very carefull--or it will happen. You must also realize that this is may also be the most expensive social program in our existance, and taxes will go up at least double digit percentage. Now--the employee who used to pay a portion of their premimuns to the employeer (20% or less--there is no standard and up to the employeer) will now take much more of a hit on income taxes--and you bet there are plenty of other people just above the forclosure line now.

This country is not rich--we are about 53 trillion dollars in debt, China and other countries just bailed out city bank 20 million dollars--we are facing at least a reseccion--and you want to impliment the most expensive social program possible.

That sir---is the plan of the socilist/communist libs. You are bing suckered IMO.

What is a Democrat, and what is a republican today. What is a liberial and what is a conserative.

Back when JFK was alive--he was a real democrat. That party is being run by socialists that feel we sould be a communist country now and in the future. They want one big commie world. The whole spectum of philosophy has shifted. Be aware, and make no mistake. Your party (and some of the rep side) is totally for socialism and communisum---even if they have to hurt our own people by hurting our economy to do it. That is what your buddy was talking about when he was trying to convience me that "destructive creation" is a good thing.

DO YOU UNDER STAND THAT!? (not yelling--I just need you to understand that)
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I was supporting the Governor from New Mexico, I never liked Edwars since he posed with a shovel in New Orleans and then jet setted out as soon as the camera's were off. He's the phoniest on either side.

Minority, we will get healthcare nationalized. What we woun't do that we should is price control Doctors.