Tornado victims are screwed...

Is Bush supposed to walk right down there and divert rivers and cool stuff like that?

Well well, That was not what he promised to do, umm well it was in a way with promised work on the dikes..
But I was referring to his rapid rebuilding "plan". Which has worked out as well as all his other plans.

some of the ones who know him far better than you do has switched their support to Obama. His partner in the Texas Rangers for instance....
Well well, That was not what he promised to do, umm well it was in a way with promised work on the dikes..
But I was referring to his rapid rebuilding "plan". Which has worked out as well as all his other plans.

some of the ones who know him far better than you do has switched their support to Obama. His partner in the Texas Rangers for instance....

He can't do it himself is the point here however I'm way to familiar with the "blame Bush for everything" plan to fix America. It's working real well too!:)

Ain't America grand---everyone is allowed to make mistakes--even Texas Rangers.
bush should not make promises he cannot keep. People might start to think he is either lying or inept or both.
I learned that many years ago, why did he not learn ?