Traditional marriage under assualt in South America


Will work for Scooby snacks
How sad. A roman catholic south american country is more progressive, than our puritan United States.

Uruguay enacts historic civil unions law

On Thursday, President Tabare Vazquez signed Uruguay's civil unions law, to take effect on January 1, 2008, which allows couples of all configurations rights similar to married heterosexuals in areas such as pensions, child custody and inheritance.
Man, it pisses me off whenever people oppose gay marriage using the logic that they are "defending" marriages "sanctity". WTF? So gay people are second class, un-"sanctified" beings now? It's a sentiment that is offensive to the senses in every manner.
Please explain..........

Man, it pisses me off whenever people oppose gay marriage using the logic that they are "defending" marriages "sanctity". WTF? So gay people are second class, un-"sanctified" beings now? It's a sentiment that is offensive to the senses in every manner.

Why would gays want to get married...they have their fun without the costs of marriage being involved...this is a classic take would be for the few gays who want to feel 'Normal' and justify thier fetish! Thats it in a nutshell...waterbaby!
Why would gays want to get married...they have their fun without the costs of marriage being involved...this is a classic take would be for the few gays who want to feel 'Normal' and justify thier fetish! Thats it in a nutshell...waterbaby!

Apparently a few do, and it doesn't matter the reason.
So why do straight people get married?

Why would gays want to get married...they have their fun without the costs of marriage being involved...this is a classic take would be for the few gays who want to feel 'Normal' and justify thier fetish! Thats it in a nutshell...waterbaby!