Trauma In Seattle


Junior Member
>>SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- A bridge over Seattle is becoming hazardous to the mental health of the dot-com employees and other office workers below, who keep seeing people jump to their deaths from the span

Grief counselors regularly go to Cutter & Buck, paying a visit as recently as a month ago.

A few weeks ago, officials installed six emergency phones and 18 signs that read, "Suicidal?" and give the number of a 24-hour crisis line in bold yellow type.

But as for other possible solutions, transportation officials said installing nets or raising the sides of the bridge could interfere with safety inspections -- which are made with a big bucket lowered over the railing -- and could catch the wind, making the span dangerously unstable.

Moreover, any plans would need to go through a special public approval process because the bridge is a national historic landmark

I offer a fix for these traumatized employees. Stop looking out the window and get to work. Or buy window shades!
But the article says it is >>becoming hazardous to the mental health of the dot-com employees and other office workers below, who keep seeing people jump to their deaths from the span
The corpies are just overstressing their employees and blaming it on the jumpers. they create the jumpers and then complain about them.