

Atheist Missionary
What, in your opinion, is treason?

If someone's actions caused your enemy to garner support, recruits and a cause celebre, is that treason?

Should the person be charged with treason?
No, it is not treason. not unless there was the intent to do such, to harm us via their help given to the enemy
Intentions are hard to work out, they are very personal...

For example, the IDF can claim that they don't intend to kill civilians on a daily basis, but they do it on such a regular basis that it makes their stated intentions look dubious....
Well Anyold, personal and the IDF ?
IDF is a group not a person. But the collective intentions of a group do come into play I suppose....
Any group is but the sum of it's parts, but is it's intentions still personal ?
No, you misunderstand me.

The IDF example was only for demonstrating that intentions are often not as declared.

I was refering, with reference to the treason, to an individual in a position to so that their actions caused the enemy to garner support, recruits and a cause celebre...
Are you referencing GWB ?

Not specifically. If we create a general criteria, I'm sure that Bliar and other members of Bush's regime would fit into it too... :D
A lame unthough out question.

>>If someone's actions caused your enemy to garner support, recruits and a cause celebre, is that treason

Someone?? anyone? Someone could be the enemy and no treason involved. They were just doing what they believed. Nazis in Germany were not guilty of treason.
Are you referencing GWB ?

Not specifically. If we create a general criteria, I'm sure that Bliar and other members of Bush's regime would fit into it too... :D
Honestly, I don't think the stated criteria are sufficient to demonstrate treason. After all, this is the same general argument the clotheads who've never really gotten over Vietnam use to try to condemn John Kerry. I don't buy it in that case, nor do I accept it in others.

Treason is actually rather difficult to pin down. It's one of those emotionally charged words that everyone is just sure they understand yet can't really define it strictly.
If someone's actions caused your enemy to garner support, recruits and a cause celebre, is that treason?

Like Bush's unneccessary and ill-advised war on Iraq?
If someone's actions caused your enemy to garner support, recruits and a cause celebre, is that treason?

Like Bush's unneccessary and ill-advised war on Iraq?
Or, like Hanoi Jane or other "protestors"? Come on, the criteria is simply too easily divergent between both "sides" of any war.
Or, like Hanoi Jane or other "protestors"? Come on, the criteria is simply too easily divergent between both "sides" of any war.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If righties wanna call what Jane Fonda did "treason", they need to be willing to look at the actions of those who have empowered the religious fanatics that now beset us with the same criteria.
I guess it all boils down to Bush real reasons/rationalle about Iraq. Which we may well never know the truth of.
Are you referencing GWB ?

Not specifically. If we create a general criteria, I'm sure that Bliar and other members of Bush's regime would fit into it too... :D

No. It'd have to be something like handing over battleplans to an army we were engaged in a battle with...something like that. Selling nuclear secrets to Germany in the middle WWII. I think there has to be a really high burden for treason.