Treehugger Hugs A Bush


Junior Member
Green site Treehugger gives a little hug to President Bush. Compare this with Gore's little homesite or Edwards retreat. Kinda brings to mind, do as I say, not what I do........

>>Only your dispassionate Canadian correspondent could write this without colour or favour, but is it possible that George Bush is a secret Green? Evidently his Crawford Winter White House has 25,000 gallons of rainwater storage, gray water collection from sinks and showers for irrigation, passive solar, geothermal heating and cooling. “By marketplace standards, the house is startlingly small,” says David Heymann, the architect of the 4,000-square-foot home. “Clients of similar ilk are building 16-to-20,000-square-foot houses.” Furthermore for thermal mass the walls are clad in "discards of a local stone called Leuders limestone, which is quarried in the area. The 12-to-18-inch-thick stone has a mix of colors on the top and bottom, with a cream- colored center that most people want. “They cut the top and bottom of it off because nobody really wants it,” Heymann says. “So we bought all this throwaway stone. It’s fabulous. It’s got great color and it is relatively inexpensive.”
Wouldn't surprise me. Much of what I believe and practice on a personal level is quite distant from my political beliefs.
Did bush build or buy the house already built ?
I have greywater collection for irrigation as well.
I have 10,000 gallons of rainwater storage.

Of course rainwater collection could be a pond and passive solar could be windows, greywater collection could mean his grey sewer goes into a pond, etc....
Me too as far as family and personal conduct. But uber liberal when it comes to the environment and how wealth should be used.
Some would call such behavoir as hypocritical
What? Not wanting to push my beliefs on others? Some would call it the First Amendment. Some also believe that all things extend from the Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. What others believe makes them happy, happens to be very different than what I believe makes me happy... Let them exercise their right, I will exercise mine.
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What? Not wanting to push my beliefs on others? Some would call it the First Amendment. Some also believe that all things extend from the Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. What others believe makes them happy, happens to be very different than what I believe makes me happy... Let them exercise their right, I will exercise mine.

Quoted for truth