Triathlon Juggling World Record

Did he set the record or break it? It seems that somebody wasted their time on this before... probably one of you Brits.

Apparently he is a record setter.

That's right, the 31-year-old athlete from Florida managed to complete a regular triathlon is less than two hours, all whilst juggling at the same time.
Of course, the question is: how many times did he drop the/a ball? Just thrice, as it turns out, and that was when he was swimming backstroke, so we reckon we'll let him off for that one.
Want his stats? Well then, his finish time was 1 hour 57 minutes, his quarter swim section taking 21 minutes 39 seconds, his 16 mile cycling stretch lasting 1 hour 42 seconds and his 4 mile run clocking in at 31 minutes 29 seconds.
So there you have it, not just a record breaker but a veritable record setter, all from a regular guy who just so happens to love juggling. Here's to you, Joe Salter, you magnificent, glorious swine, you!