Tribe Of Mad Jack


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Join the Tribe of Mad Jack. Become a surly anti-social coot, disgusted by humanity, like me and uscitizen.

Make Mad Jack your avatar and feel the unity!!


Either Uncle Jesse is also permissible.


Okee Dokee then...........

are you related to waterbaby and soco.........or just share the same liquor store...nah ya are makin' a soco find his way...he is really drunk tonight!:cof1:
dude, if you're going to go all Dukes of Hazard on us, at least hook us up with a pic of Daisy Duke....
dude, if you're going to go all Dukes of Hazard on us, at least hook us up with a pic of Daisy Duke....

LOL @ the avatar. I saw it and thought for a second "that's that hot blonde "Ron Paul" Chick!" I don't know if you know about the Ron Paul Blonde making her way about the internets, but then I saw the "Ru" and felt like filth. :clink:
LOL @ the avatar. I saw it and thought for a second "that's that hot blonde "Ron Paul" Chick!" I don't know if you know about the Ron Paul Blonde making her way about the internets, but then I saw the "Ru" and felt like filth. :clink:

Yeah, the Ron Paul girl doesn't have boobs that big.

Anyone on the cottage cheese diet?

That was gross...I love cottage cheese and pineapple...but after that pic and your will be awhile before I partake..:eek:

Check out the dude in the background in the red shirt at the food stand...he is taking a double look...maybe he lost his appetite also!
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