tribute on ESPN


fully immersed in faith..
I don't know if any of you have ever heard of Parkersburg, wife's mother was born there, my wife grew up about 15 miles away....two years ago the town got hit by a major tornado, a year ago they were in the news again because the high school football coach was murdered by one of his former students....this coach was a friend of my brother in law....last night he calls to tell us that we had to be sure and watch ESPN because they were televising the first game of the Parkersburg football season and there was going to be a tribute to Ed Thomas before the game....

it's about 14 minutes long, but I know sometime in the next couple days your going to spend 14 minutes watching something that makes you's 14 minutes of something that will make you feel good to balance it off....

by the way, Parkersburg won, 30-14....
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