trolls on ignore

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
i have

ass cancer

on ignore....they are beyond stupid and i am beyond stupid for replying to them. after some PM's i realized it is not just a "fun" troll, this guy is obsessed. ass cancer was talking about my work, my life etc.....defended maineman's threat of revenge on my job. i am idiot for responding.

list the other trolls and they will go on my ignore list
There's a crap ton of them...

So you have:

Big Gubmint
Martha Coakley
President Barack Obama
Southern Manlove
Why are they here if they're here for no other reason than to troll and start shit?
Damo (the board owner) is a firm believer in not restricting peoples speech, whether or not he agrees with it. Boards that are too heavily moderated are not fun. In fact this board was created entirely because a previous one was too heavily controlled.
Damo (the board owner) is a firm believer in not restricting peoples speech, whether or not he agrees with it. Boards that are too heavily moderated are not fun. In fact this board was created entirely because a previous one was too heavily controlled.

So basically what you're saying is nothing will get you banned here... personal attacks on family, trolling, threats, to have no other purpose here other than to stir up shit... nothing.
So basically what you're saying is nothing will get you banned here... personal attacks on family, trolling, threats, to have no other purpose here other than to stir up shit... nothing.
Threats, any suggestion of pedophilia, and adspamming will for sure. Other than that though, I don't think so.
There's a crap ton of them...

So you have:

Big Gubmint
Martha Coakley
President Barack Obama
Southern Manlove

Thanks for the list. I use them to spread rep around: negative rep. :)
Those trolls are not all by the same author. For example, I would say that the Big Gubmint troll is actually pretty funny, and may be from the same creator as the Obama troll. I think the Coakley troll is also from a different person. Clearly the trolls taking shots at Watermark, Yurt, SM, and ID are the same person. The Dixie troll has been around for a couple of years, I think, so that's someone else as well. Finally, there's Yellow Fellow making fun of Yellow Peril. YP is a rather amusing, if not persistent troll, but its possible that Fellow was created by the WM/Y/SM/ID person, because of how profane and sick it is...
So basically what you're saying is nothing will get you banned here... personal attacks on family, trolling, threats, to have no other purpose here other than to stir up shit... nothing.
Posting personal information without permission will get you banned here (unless that information was given freely before by the person in question). And RL threats... Even ones that may be misfires and aimed at the wrong targets. It doesn't make it any better if you get some poor schmuck fired that has nothing to do with this board.

If that crap with MM happened here they would have been long banned... That MM tries to bring it here served him up six months of silence.

You will also get banned if you start into describing illegal sexual activity with children. This site isn't for porn and it especially isn't for illegal porn.

That's pretty much it, anything else I'll tell you if you are stepping over the line. But "your mama" jokes are not even close to that line.
Posting personal information without permission will get you banned here (unless that information was given freely before by the person in question). And RL threats... Even ones that may be misfires and aimed at the wrong targets. It doesn't make it any better if you get some poor schmuck fired that has nothing to do with this board.

If that crap with MM happened here they would have been long banned... That MM tries to bring it here served him up six months of silence.

You will also get banned if you start into describing illegal sexual activity with children. This site isn't for porn and it especially isn't for illegal porn.

That's pretty much it, anything else I'll tell you if you are stepping over the line. But "your mama" jokes are not even close to that line.

There was a guy over on the old AOL boards called Goem, although he had a multitude of names. He used to spam the boards on a regular basis and I suspect that he used scripts as he could post maybe 100 times in 2 or 3 minutes. He was able to fuck up the boards very easily by changing the subject titles until AOL prevented this from happening.
There was a guy over on the old AOL boards called Goem, although he had a multitude of names. He used to spam the boards on a regular basis and I suspect that he used scripts as he could post maybe 100 times in 2 or 3 minutes. He was able to fuck up the boards very easily by changing the subject titles until AOL prevented this from happening.
Yeah, you can't do that here, I have blocks on how quickly one could post and somebody mucking around like that would get an IP ban. Also you can't mess with the titles, I can, but the only ones you can change would be your own and those only for about a minute after you post them.