Trudeau Get's Covid After 3 Jabs Yet Liberals Lie Claiming Vaccine Works

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
I mean how stupid can you get. How much more of an obvious lie can one possibly spew especially after Trudeau gets covid after getting 3 jabs which is proof beyond any shadow of doubt that these are not vaccines at all. If you are not immunized from the virus after the jab that is because it wasn't a vaccine they gave you.

Oh and standing against shady globalist narratives liars call hate to try and hide that these liars have not even so much as a shred of validity on the foundation of this issue which is why they seek to continue to divide Canada over their transparent and pathetic lies while they try and make their slanderous remarks stick to people who do not deserve it the issue.

For our officials to spew such obvious lies while stabbing Canadians in the back, does it not make sense that they have a gun to the back of their heads or a wallet bribing their party to spew such obvious lies?!

Whenever Ottawa is crowded like on Canada day and there is for example nowhere to go to the washroom, people improvise because they have to go. I suspect way more than likely leftists sent an army of dimwits to pretend to be truckers and make them look bad too.

The Liberal so called Minister of Public Safety at around the 40 second mark spews the obvious lies.

Titled: Candice Bergen GOES OFF on Trudeau for demonizing Freedom Convoy protesters




Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
I mean how stupid can you get. How much more of an obvious lie can one possibly spew especially after Trudeau gets covid after getting 3 jabs which is proof beyond any shadow of doubt that these are not vaccines at all. If you are not immunized from the virus after the jab that is because it wasn't a vaccine they gave you.

Oh and standing against shady globalist narratives liars call hate to try and hide that these liars have not even so much as a shred of validity on the foundation of this issue which is why they seek to continue to divide Canada over their transparent and pathetic lies while they try and make their slanderous remarks stick to people who do not deserve it the issue.

For our officials to spew such obvious lies while stabbing Canadians in the back, does it not make sense that they have a gun to the back of their heads or a wallet bribing their party to spew such obvious lies?!

Whenever Ottawa is crowded like on Canada day and there is for example nowhere to go to the washroom, people improvise because they have to go. I suspect way more than likely leftists sent an army of dimwits to pretend to be truckers and make them look bad too.

The Liberal so called Minister of Public Safety at around the 40 second mark spews the obvious lies.

Titled: Candice Bergen GOES OFF on Trudeau for demonizing Freedom Convoy protesters




Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

"I mean how stupid can you get" that exactly what I was thinking after reading your post, and it's clear that you definitely have got some problems.
Things that don’t work:

Body armor
Circuit breakers
Bug spray
Mouthwash (except it kills Covid)

Anyone who uses any of those things is a moron.

If you didn't get the jab then you don't have the microchip.
If you don't have the microchip then you will be photographed every time you pass by one of the many public cameras that scans for the microchip.
If you refuse to wear a mask then the the photograph can be used to identify you using facial identification.

Within the next 2 years, they will be putting you in a reeducation camp, David. Enjoy life while you can. You could have stayed free by getting the jab and wearing a mask.
And unlike the antivax sad saps, Trudeau will fight the infection. That's what vaccines do, they build up your immunity. You apparently think it has to actual make you so immune you can't catch it. Nothing does that. No vaccines ever or even natural immunity does. Now get a life.
I mean how stupid can you get. How much more of an obvious lie can one possibly spew especially after Trudeau gets covid after getting 3 jabs which is proof beyond any shadow of doubt that these are not vaccines at all. If you are not immunized from the virus after the jab that is because it wasn't a vaccine they gave you.

Oh and standing against shady globalist narratives liars call hate to try and hide that these liars have not even so much as a shred of validity on the foundation of this issue which is why they seek to continue to divide Canada over their transparent and pathetic lies while they try and make their slanderous remarks stick to people who do not deserve it the issue.

For our officials to spew such obvious lies while stabbing Canadians in the back, does it not make sense that they have a gun to the back of their heads or a wallet bribing their party to spew such obvious lies?!

Whenever Ottawa is crowded like on Canada day and there is for example nowhere to go to the washroom, people improvise because they have to go. I suspect way more than likely leftists sent an army of dimwits to pretend to be truckers and make them look bad too.

The Liberal so called Minister of Public Safety at around the 40 second mark spews the obvious lies.

Titled: Candice Bergen GOES OFF on Trudeau for demonizing Freedom Convoy protesters




Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

"I mean how stupid can you get" that exactly what I was thinking after reading your post, and it's clear that you definitely have got some problems.

Things that don’t work:

Body armor
Circuit breakers
Bug spray
Mouthwash (except it kills Covid)

Anyone who uses any of those things is a moron.

If you didn't get the jab then you don't have the microchip.
If you don't have the microchip then you will be photographed every time you pass by one of the many public cameras that scans for the microchip.
If you refuse to wear a mask then the the photograph can be used to identify you using facial identification.

Within the next 2 years, they will be putting you in a reeducation camp, David. Enjoy life while you can. You could have stayed free by getting the jab and wearing a mask.

And unlike the antivax sad saps, Trudeau will fight the infection. That's what vaccines do, they build up your immunity. You apparently think it has to actual make you so immune you can't catch it. Nothing does that. No vaccines ever or even natural immunity does. Now get a life.
