Trudeau Gov't Caught Red Handed, Millions Of Canadians To Be Killed

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
We have more people in Canada than we have homes for Canadian citizens yet the Trudeau government wants to continue to bring in 4 - 5 hundred thousand immigrants per year on top of illegal invasion. Where are they planning on putting these new immigrants you wonder? Canadians are losing their jobs, not able to pay sky rocketing rent or sky rocketing mortgages and when their home is foreclosed or they get kicked out of their home for not paying rent, where else could the Trudeau government possibly be planning to put these new immigrants but into the homes that Canadians can no longer afford to pay for. This is an obvious death sentence for Canadians.

That is the very factual evidence proving that the Trudeau government intends upon killing Canadians as their sick plan is already in motion as it has been for years now. What better definition of tyranny is there?

Let's take a look at what else has and is transpiring.

Justin Trudeau says he wants to help the middle class. He must mean out of their homes and onto the street where the food banks are soon to crash and Canadian citizens starve. How is that helping the middle class? Oh right killing you is helping you. Recently news has been circulating about more Trudeau government incompetence, something about 2 billion spent on ten thousand homes of which have not even been built aside from what good are ten thousand homes when Canada is being set up to bring in another 4 hundred thousand immigrants by the obviously tyrannical Trudeau government and yet we do not have enough homes available for the people that are here in Canada now. They claim such rubbish as chain supply is to blame yet Canada has plenty of lumber, steel, aluminium and concrete. They claim weather is to blame yet I have seen construction going on. The tyrannical governments careless and deliberate spending has drove up the price of everything so much that likely contractors who were poising to take on the mere ten thousand homes have likely faced sky rocketing prices thus drove them away because of Trudeau's deliberate actions over the years.

Other officials are in on it which is why they do not anything you wonder? Well it's not looking good because I shared this information initially with them over a week ago and I am not seeing any motion put forward for a vote of non confidence thus they must all be in on the obvious on coming slaughter of Canadian citizens. Jagmeet Singh for example is in coalition with these tyrants and Pierre Poilievre said something along the lines of Canada needs to build 2 million homes (appearing to reiterate what I shared in part) but at the same time he also stated something about bringing in more immigrants while these houses are being built which obviously screws Canadian citizens because immigrants will be piling in faster than these homes can be built.

To save Canadian lives and livelihoods we need to close our border, build 2 million homes so everyone here has a home and prices of homes and renting comes down because when there are more homes than people rates decrease to attract people. Once they are all built, then we can focus on how much available infrastructure is left for immigration before we open our borders back up to any form of immigration if we feel it need be. We are so screwed now that this tyrannical government has wasted what a half trillion during their tyranny in office?! So to fork out the money for the two million homes which we need will force inflation even higher because liberals followed a plan to deliberately kill and replace Canadians and the proof is right here.

These are tyrants and everything they have done needs to be undone. Everything that has passed through federal legislation since the Trudeau government infiltrated power needs to be undone because everything they do is obviously untrustworthy rhetoric to bring us to this point where Canadians are about to be mass slaughtered. This is a pinnacle point in Canadian history.

I could go on about how Trudeau left our border open under guise of Syrian crisis of which when such a crisis was over our borders were left open. I could go on about how some immigrants with real educations are coming to Canada to take the jobs our Canadian children will not get because instead of giving our children a real education, they have been fed sick and pathetic woke garbage also used to turn Canadians against one another to distract Canadians while the Trudeau government worked towards flooding the country with more people than homes to deliberately place us in crisis. I could go on about how giving other countries billions in Canadian dollars for infrastructure projects, careless spending during the pandemic such as giving inmates cheques, helping the First Nations rob Canadian tax payers of billions for residential schools when the Vatican took responsibility for what the religious did (not the tax payers of Canada) so the First Nations should be made to pay back all of those billions to tax payers and the First Nations can sue the Vatican but here we have Trudeau eagerly wasting billions to buy votes at everyone's expense but I'll get back into that soon enough as I intend. Why should any tax payer be made to fund a tyrant who's actions prove he wants to kill millions of Canadians (let alone he is still in office is a complete mockery) and is now caught red handed while forcing up cost to buy food and buy anything else while also being taxed to death on top of high prices, forcing up mortgages and rental rates while also killing jobs as more and more businesses go out of business. It's a death trap exposed and the Canadian Liberal government is behind it.

I will touch upon the Green Energy Death Trap. European countries that adopted WEF's green energy death trap are now even resorting to reopening old coal mines because turbines and solar power green energy have proven to be a death trap that Trudeau wants to force upon you Canadians even after evidence reveals his plan is already a failure as revealed within other western civilizations. Again electric cars give off way more emissions than fossil fuels from what I have been reading and hearing in recent weeks so he is obviously in lieu of such out to kill our automobile industry with cars that would never sustain with solar and turbines thus more jobs lost and more Canadians evicted and replaced by illegals and other immigrants who come for our more prestigious jobs because our children are choking on woke garbage while Trudeau also throws hundreds of millions at woke garbage while also funding main stream billions as I recall to force woke garbage upon the public while also being under threat of being sued for not complying with Trudeau's tyrannical policies etc. when it comes to media.

I could go on and on but I intend too do just that in the near future. I haven't been feeling physically well all that much lately and feel very tired right now.

There you have it, factual evidence proving that the current Liberal government is deliberately out to kill Canadians. Now the real question is are all of our federal officials going to stand up for Canadians instead of sitting quietly to suit their own political agenda's as we Canadian citizens are continuously positioned for deliberate slaughter by tyrants infiltrating government positions?

On a personal level here in Collingwood I found my first red flag of infiltration upon people I know. Living homeless as I have for about 7 months now I find some people more useful and mutually beneficial than others due to such things as connections some people have. One of those people I have not shared specific issues as an activist I address primarily with so I would know when the WEF, their useful idiots or other retarded sock puppets have either bribed or blackmailed those I include in my life since my ex family attempted such infuriating rhetoric are pushing them in attempt to betray me. One of my useful contacts I have made since I got to Collingwood and have known for about 6 months now suddenly out of nowhere got all religiously retarded on me saying "thank Garbage" (garbage is my choice of words to replace the factually proven religious lie this person used) and this person kept saying it over and over again when red flags went up and I started looking around for a camera because it was creepy, almost as if someone was filming it in attempt to make what is into what their pathetic little pea brains would rather it be. So now I know that the retards have finally made their way into Collingwood to try and toy with me once again and I am surprised it didn't happen sooner.

On a side not I also find it peculiar how all of a sudden now, black people who are racist promoting black history month apparently found a story of a Southern USA citizen moving to Canada with his smuggled black slave. Apparently, they say she escaped and when was caught by Canadian authorities she was handed back to the United States where she came from for them to deal with as I suspect was the standard for illegal invaders caught in the country at that time until Canada played a role in freeing black slaves during the USA civil war. Only they paint it as a Canadian having a black slave and Canada sold her to slave traders in the USA. This apparently is their feature story.

My condolences to friends, family and colleagues of David Onley.

My condolences to friends, family and colleagues of Hazel McCallion.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!