APP - Trump always driving the narrative - 14th Amendment

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

This is a great read about the 14th Amendment. As always it is necessary to supply an education to the uninformed among us. The 14th Amendment was put in place to keep democrats from disenfranchising blacks once they had secured their freedoms.

It was never meant to apply to illegal aliens.

As mentioned in the article above, the relevant words of the clause are and subject to the jurisdiction thereof

It doesn't just sayin being born here. It says subject to the jurisdiction thereof meaning if a baby is born to an illegal alien, that illegal alien is subject to the jurisdiction of their home country not the United States.

Making an Executive Order will fast track this to the Supreme Court where we will see what happens

This is a great read about the 14th Amendment. As always it is necessary to supply an education to the uninformed among us. The 14th Amendment was put in place to keep democrats from disenfranchising blacks once they had secured their freedoms.

It was never meant to apply to illegal aliens.

As mentioned in the article above, the relevant words of the clause are and subject to the jurisdiction thereof

It doesn't just sayin being born here. It says subject to the jurisdiction thereof meaning if a baby is born to an illegal alien, that illegal alien is subject to the jurisdiction of their home country not the United States.

Making an Executive Order will fast track this to the Supreme Court where we will see what happens

full liberal meltdown is what will happen. imagine how beautiful a world we will live in if illegals can no longer come here for a pregnancy vacation. they would always have to worry about their illegal kid growing up in america being eligible for deportation just like them. i think it would keep a ton of illegals out. this could seriously help save america to a very large extent.
full liberal meltdown is what will happen. imagine how beautiful a world we will live in if illegals can no longer come here for a pregnancy vacation. they would always have to worry about their illegal kid growing up in america being eligible for deportation just like them. i think it would keep a ton of illegals out. this could seriously help save america to a very large extent.

I agree. No sane person thinks that the 14th Amendment was written to apply to illegal aliens. It is ludicrous. In fact, historical fact tells us that it didn't even apply to injuns. True story bro.

I would love to be confident about winning this at the Supreme Court, but I don't trust Roberts. We really need Ginsburg or Breyer to retire or die a sudden death. Then once we get another solid conservative this can be challenged and the Supreme Court can rule.

I can't wait until we take back control of our country.

This is a great read about the 14th Amendment. As always it is necessary to supply an education to the uninformed among us. The 14th Amendment was put in place to keep democrats from disenfranchising blacks once they had secured their freedoms.

It was never meant to apply to illegal aliens.

As mentioned in the article above, the relevant words of the clause are and subject to the jurisdiction thereof

It doesn't just sayin being born here. It says subject to the jurisdiction thereof meaning if a baby is born to an illegal alien, that illegal alien is subject to the jurisdiction of their home country not the United States.

Making an Executive Order will fast track this to the Supreme Court where we will see what happens

so you're saying that if an illegal alien commits half a dozen rapes and murders, the US government, or state it occurred in, could not charge and try that illegal alien on those crimes but would have to hope that the illegals country of origin would????
so you're saying that if an illegal alien commits half a dozen rapes and murders, the US government, or state it occurred in, could not charge and try that illegal alien on those crimes but would have to hope that the illegals country of origin would????

No. That is not what jurisdiction means in the context of when it was written.
you can provide more than just your opinion on this? I'm currently on the fence over this and still think that anyone born on US Soil should be a citizen. so change my mind.

Well, I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree. I consider myself a Constitutionalist and believe that when we are interpreting a law or Amendment, we should look at it in the context of when and why it was written and not try to twist it to fit what we want it to do. To do so would make us no better than liberals.

So, when we look at the context of when the Amendment was written, it was meant to apply to slaves to keep democrats from declaring them non citizens. That is why it was done. It was never meant to apply to illegal aliens.

Please review the following link which gives a historical perspective of the Amendment.

The most important is that when the 14th Amendment was drafted, the United States didn't limit immigration. So there was no illegal immigration. Since there was no illegal immigration at the time, this Amendment could not have been written to cover the act.

This makes no logical sense to support. If a woman is 9 months pregnant and manages to illegally cross her border, then her child is a citizen which then allows the mother to stay here as well? Thus the term Anchor Baby. It is ridiculous.