Trump always wears clean underwear unlike most Dems & European countries

Meth? Why no. I Bhaktajan, only partake of the finest cocaine smuggled in the underwear of Danish tourists. It's how I'm in the know on this issue. I also swiped a pair of Trumps undies after he threw them out in Iowa. It's my prized possession, and proof he changes his.
Meth? Why no. I Bhaktajan, only partake of the finest cocaine smuggled in the underwear of Danish tourists. It's how I'm in the know on this issue. I also swiped a pair of Trumps undies after he threw them out in Iowa. It's my prized possession, and proof he changes his.

Shit stained I assume.
Rorschach test:

What do you see?





Meth? Why no. I Bhaktajan, only partake of the finest cocaine smuggled in the underwear of Danish tourists. It's how I'm in the know on this issue. I also swiped a pair of Trumps undies after he threw them out in Iowa. It's my prized possession, and proof he changes his.

You nasty
Why the fuck are you quoting me from a post almost a year old, Yurt. Give the obsession a rest.
Why the fuck are you quoting me from a post almost a year old, Yurt. Give the obsession a rest.

After the Media shows the obsession fad has changed.

Ya know what? I had a strange insight!

Jabba the Hutt was really a Bull-dike lesbian.

What if there is an Iluminati ...but it is headed by a secret ring of mighty Bull-dike lesbians, with an incredible Bull-dike king lesbian.

That Queen Isabella was a Bull-dike king lesbian?

That Hitler was following orders of a master-mind Bull-dike king lesbian?

That the last thing anyone would ever think of is that the devil was Bull-dike king lesbian!

Next time you see a Bull-dike king lesbian, you may be 3 degrees of separation from the present living Bull-dike king lesbian encarnate!

Was Godzilla a male?

Why is there no mention of Bull-dikes in the Bible.

What do Bull-dikes and the moon voyages have to do with each other.

Are rare earth mineral mining due to Bull-dike needs?

Could Russia be the land of real Bull-dike king lesbians?

Why are Bull-dike sightings so rare?

Why is there never huge gatherings of Bull-dikes in one place at a time?

Do pictures exist showing more than two pairs of dikes in one place at one time?

Is there a Bull-dike manifesto that the UN has made public?

How long till we are privy to the United Bull-dikes of the world are known?

Is Cher's child a Bull-dike king lesbian?

NOTE: I dis-avow any thing I said during the writing of this post due to the nature of woman's instinct which I do not suppose I have...blame it on the KLSM, king lesbian syndrome mania.