Trump and Taking Credit


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Trump has a habit of taking credit that he does NOT deserve. That is, he has a habit of taking credit for the accomplishments of OTHERS. For example: he took credit for improvements to the wall that were authorized by Obama and Biden; and he took credit for the good economy that he inherited from Obama and Biden.

And now, Trump wants to take credit for the Covid vaccines. That is:

- He wants to take credit for vaccines that were developed by many scientists. In other words, he wants to take credit for the work done by people who he attacks, ignores, and contradicts.

- He wants to take credit for work that was guided by science. In other words, he wants to take credit for work that was guided by something that he does not respect and does not believe in.

What he DOES believe in is “magic”. A number of times, he said that the virus would MAGICALLY go away. That comes from his “reality TV” approach to dealing with the issues that face our nation.

- He wants to take credit for vaccines to combat a virus that he claimed did not exist. In other words, he wants to take credit for vaccines to combat a virus that he said was “fake news” and a “Democrat hoax”.

- He wants to take credit for the speed at which the vaccines were developed. In other words, he wants to take credit for the speed at which many scientists worked in order to develop the vaccines. And he wants to take credit for the speed that was facilitated by years of hard work by many scientists.

Reality check: The speed at which the vaccines were developed was NOT a triumph of Trump’s “work”. It was a triumph of the work of many current and past SCIENTISTS.

- And, he wants to put his name on the vaccines. (He has a habit of putting his name on things that others have done.)

However, Trump DOES deserve SOME credit. In fact, he deserves a LOT of credit. For example:

- He deserves credit for ignoring a number of early warnings from our intelligence agencies that our nation was at risk from a very dangerous virus from China. He deserves credit for ignoring the warnings about the dangers of a pandemic from the Obama/Biden transition team. He deserves credit for ignoring the Obama/Biden pandemic playbook, which provided guidance on how to respond to a pandemic. And he deserves credit for dismantling the Obama/Biden pandemic response team.

- He deserves credit for lying to us, and downplaying the danger of the virus, when he KNEW that the virus was VERY dangerous and VERY contagious. He deserves credit for calling news reports about the virus “fake news”, when he KNEW those reports were NOT fake news. And he deserves credit for calling the Democrat’s warnings about the virus a “Democrat hoax”, when he KNEW those warnings were NOT a hoax.

- He deserves credit for brainwashing his fans into believing that the virus is not dangerous, and he deserves credit for encouraging his fans to engage in activities that spread the virus, when he knows that the virus is very dangerous.

- He deserves credit for any violence by his fans against state and local government officials who are trying to protect their citizens from the virus (that is, any violence that he incites when he attacks them for trying to protect their citizens from a virus that he knows is very dangerous).

- He deserves credit for any violence by his fans against doctors and healthcare workers who are trying to save the lives of Covid victims (that is, any violence that he incites when he attacks them while they are trying to save lives from a virus that he knows is very dangerous).

- He deserves credit for any distrust of the CDC (which was once well respected around the world), because he altered Covid data from that agency for HIS political benefit, and thus rendered that data useless to those who needed that data to combat the virus and to save lives.

- He deserves credit for any distrust of the Pfizer vaccine, because he threatened to fire the head of the FDA, if the FDA did not rush the approval of the Pfizer vaccine by a deadline that HE dictated, and that was NOT based on science.

- He deserves credit for being a cheerleader (on the sidelines), instead of being a leader (on the frontlines). And he deserves credit for proclaiming himself to be a wartime president, and then becoming a wartime deserter a short time later.

- He deserves credit for telling our governors and mayors that “you’re on your own”, when the virus problem was TOO HUGE for them to handle on their own, and when he knew that the virus was very dangerous. And he deserves credit for taking potshots at those governors and mayors who worked hard to do the right thing for their citizens, even after he refused to give them the federal help that they desperately needed.

- Because he refused to use the full power of the Defense Production Act: >He deserves credit for failing to provide enough testing equipment to our scientists, which hampered their efforts to learn how to effectively combat the virus. >And he deserves credit for failing to provide enough PPE to our healthcare workers, which put their lives at unnecessary risk during their efforts to save the lives of Covid victims.

- He deserves credit for the fact that Operation Warp Speed has vaccinated FAR FEWER Americans than he had promised. At the current vaccination rate, it will take 10 years to vaccinate enough Americans to get the pandemic under control in the US.

- He deserves credit for the fact that many hospitals are now overflowing with patients because of the growing number of Covid cases. As a result, hospitals will have to turn away patients, and those patients will be on their own.

- He deserves credit for the worst economy since the Great Depression. (So that’s what he means by MAGA.)

- He deserves credit for putting America first in the total number of Covid cases and the total number of Covid deaths. He deserves credit for the number of Covid deaths in a single day that exceeds the number of deaths on D-Day and the number of deaths on 9/11. And he deserves credit for the total number of Covid deaths that exceeds the number of deaths during World War I, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the war in Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq, combined.

- And, he deserves credit for allowing the loss of MORE America livelihoods, and MORE American lives, than there needed to be.

BOTTOM LINE: Trump has done FAR MORE to exacerbate the Covid problem than he has done to resolve it. And he has made that problem FAR WORSE than it had to be.

And it is far worse than it had to be because Trump wanted to control our Covid policy for his political benefit, instead of allowing our scientists to control that policy for the benefit of the American people.

I am reminded of an essay that I wrote entitled “How to Remain the Leader of the Republican Party”. In that essay, I wrote: Do so by thinking that governing is creating the GREATEST MESS in American history for our next president to clean-up. As we ALL know, Trump did exactly that with the Covid issue, and with MANY other issues. And as we can see, his fans, and many Republicans in our government, want him to remain the leader of the Republican Party. (Go figure.)

And once again, I am reminded of the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist. As MOST of us can see, because of Trump’s touch (aka, the touch of death), many of the institutions that make America great, and make America safe, are dying. And WE are dying.