APP - Trump approval surging

once the russia shit dies and people see the stock market kicking ass and they realize.. "Wait a minute, nothing bad is actually happening to me" trumps numbers def have a chance at substantially rebounding, especially given how much time he has out in front of him.
once the russia shit dies and people see the stock market kicking ass and they realize.. "Wait a minute, nothing bad is actually happening to me" trumps numbers def have a chance at substantially rebounding, especially given how much time he has out in front of him.

They could rebound sooner once he backs pajama boy in N Korea into a corner. China has already signaled that they would not defend N Korea in the even they attack the US. Trump is winning. Now that pajama boy knows that China doesn't have his back, he will back off his rhetoric which will allow Trump to back off of his.

This will be a clear win for Trump, of course it will be downplayed by the left. McConnell et al better get their acts together when they get back or switch parties.