APP - Trump arguably most Constitutional President of our time

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I hear many on the left screech that Trump is an authoritarian and is trying to impose a dictatorship on America.

But I would argue that he has ACTED more constitutional than any President in a long time.

Now most who complain will point to his many tweets, but in the final analysis it is only actions that truly matter.

Let’s take two issues

1) DACA. Obama didn’t have the authority to do what he did. He even admitted it. His DAPA was ruled unconstitutional. Trump merely put the power to legislate immigration back where it rightfully belongs and that is with Congress.

2) Obamacare subsidies. Again what Obama did was unconstitutional and was ruled as such. Only Congress has the power to appropriate money. The executive branch does not. By ending these subsidies Trump is merely putting the power back where it belongs

3) Repeal of Obamacare. Again he left it to Congress. It isn’t the Presidents job to author legislation. It is legislators job.

The problem isn’t with Trump. The problem is with people who have allowed past Presidents to accumulate more and more power.