(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
March 27, 2020 is another date that will:
Freedom-loving Americans have a lot more to fear than fear itself.
House Passes $2 Trillion Emergency Relief Bill by Voice Vote After Hostile Debate
Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Mar 27, 2020 1:42 PM
Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Mar 27, 2020 1:42 PM
Parasite Democrats got more out of the bombing than Japan ever got after Pearl Harbor:
What do you do if you want to create a new dependency class in America?
Well, you can do what the leftist progressives have done since the "Great Society" of Lyndon Johnson and his "War on Poverty."
You simply pay people not to work. You offer up assistance programs that, over the years, grow into entitlement programs.
The people then get conditioned not to work while still collecting a check, so they begin to feel "entitled," rather than thankful to receive the "free" money.
And after a period of time, you have what you wanted – a class of people solely dependent upon the beneficence of the government.
And, by the way, Johnson was able to do this by creating a "crisis" and calling the crisis a "war" on poverty.
There was no actual crisis in the '60s, other than the angst over Vietnam, but that had nothing to do with "poverty." Johnson, being a sycophant of FDR, just wanted what all progressives want – more power and control; so he and his people created a phony crisis, and then declared war on it.
Now we have a real-life crisis at hand, and finally one of the idiot leftist Democrats admitted as evidence what we have been shouting about for so many years.
Shit-for-brains should have co-signed the bill:
Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., finally committed the cardinal sin of saying aloud what has gone unsaid yet we all knew to be true – that the Marxist Democrats really do want to use any and every crisis, regardless of the pain and suffering it causes their fellow citizens, as "An Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision."
And of course that vision isn't one of freedom and liberty. Quite the opposite. It is, and has always been, an all-powerful central authority that controls every facet of our lives and charges itself with the care of its people, a la King George III.
In other words, the polar opposite of the founders' "vision" of a small, relatively insignificant national government with a largely self-reliant citizenry.
Part of the Democrats' vision is creating yet another layer of dependency on government.
And what is more perfect than this current scenario? You couldn't script it better.
First, by sheer happenstance, a crisis, in the form of a horrible affliction, drops out of the sky, as it were. Then it's perceived to be so bad that our government orders public and private businesses to close – you know – for our own safety.
Agree or disagree – that's not the point.
Then the government steps in to save the day. They get together and come up with a brilliant plan to pay the people they just forced into layoff not to work.
The "unemployed," will now not only collect their full unemployment benefits they would receive under normal conditions, but an additional $600 per week from the federal government for the next four months.
Now, if that's not an incentive NOT to work, please tell me what is. Once people discover this, there will be a growing portion of our society that will ask to be laid off.
It's like déjà vu all over again! (h/t: Yogi Berra) We're replaying the beginning of the socialism of the Plymouth colony before William Bradford got wise.
The feds have taken away any incentive to work for a huge swath of society, by literally paying people not to work. And not just the relative pittance that is welfare. This is real money we're talking about for a great many people. And four months may be just enough time for some otherwise productive citizens to get used to this "new" lifestyle. One might even call it a "new normal."
Old sayings become old and oft repeated because they are true. And this old saying fits the bill: "If you want more of something, subsidize it …" (Ronald Reagan).
America may regret this drastic action – and not just because of the massive additional debt it will accrue.
Congress just created a brand new dependency class
By Brent Smith
Published March 27, 2020 at 7:20pm
By Brent Smith
Published March 27, 2020 at 7:20pm