Trump Calling Hillary Clinton To Testify


Verified User
is the public’s last chance to put her in the slammer.

Senate Republicans will invoke Senate Rules until they come out the wazoo. It it all comes down to keeping Hillary from testifying under oath. Here is how it works.

When McConnell announces that Democrats cannot call their witnesses television mouths will make it look like Malfeasance Mitch was being unfair. The truth is: President Trump cannot call and question witnesses in his defense —— specifically asking Hillary Clinton about the Steele Dossier.

NOTE: Covering up for Hillary Clinton has been a conspiracy engineered by the DoJ from the day Donald Trump won the election. It turns out that AG Barr is a better conspirator than was AG Jeff Sessions:

The top people in the FBI are snakes. Mueller is a snake. He has been a snake throughout his pubic career, yet William Barr calls him a friend. What does that tell you about Barr? It tells me that a big snake was called in to coverup for a basket full of fellow career snakes.

Either Donald Trump is a naive poor judge of character, or Barr is the best AG available among a bad litter. The entire Mueller investigation was designed to shield Hillary Clinton against a charge of treason. It works. The filthy old hag is untouchable. They will not even touch her for minor crimes:


William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

McConnell already has the four Establishment Republican votes he needs to set the witness charade in motion. Best of all, the entire ‘witness scam’ gives McConnell the escape hatch he needs to shield Hillary.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn't want to include new witnesses and documents in the vote on the rules for the Senate trial. He'd prefer to vote on the rules and then hear the opening arguments from the House impeachment managers and President Trump's defense team before voting on calling witnesses or considering new evidence.

McConnell announced Tuesday that he has enough GOP support to move forward with the approach he prefers. The vote on the resolution determining the rules of the trial will, according to McConnell, mirrors the procedures used in the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Under the resolution, House impeachment managers and the president's defense team would deliver opening statements before the Senate would vote on whether to call witnesses or consider new evidence.

Susan Collins working with a "small group" of GOP senators to allow witnesses in impeachment trial
By Grace Segers, Kathryn Watson
January 10, 2020 / 4:51 PM / CBS News


Bottom line: Larry Klayman has been hitting the heavy bag pretty good in preparation for his championship bout against Big Bad Bob Barr with Hillary as the referee:

In the political and military turmoil if not madness over the killing of Iranian terrorist Quds commander Qassem Soleimani, as well as the stalled Pelosi impeachment caper, our compromised and do-nothing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) – now run by that overweight clone of former Attorney General Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, a neutered elephant going by the name of William "Bill" Barr – predictably and quietly let it be known this week that Barr would not bring charges against Hillary Clinton, or for that matter any Clinton, over alleged corruption at the Clinton Foundation. To me and other seasoned "special ops legal veterans" of the Washington, D.C., corrupt swamp, infested with dishonest reptilians of both major political parties, this came as no surprise. Not only are the "Clinton Gang of Three" – Hillary, Bill and their equally criminally minded daughter, all directors of the Clinton Foundation – a protected species of the capital's so-called law enforcement establishment, they are even more off limits than even the desert tortoises that roam over my client Cliven Bundy's ranch at Bunkerville, Nevada. Like the rest of the privileged, elitist beautiful people who reside along the Potomac, they can do as they please – in particular take bribes and steal with impunity.

The Washington Post, a newspaper not coincidentally represented by Williams & Connelly, whose lawyers such as David Kendall also represent the Clintons, was the first to leak the latest dive by our worthless attorney general and his equally worthless DOJ. Here is what the Post gleefully and sarcastically reported Thursday, which report was not picked up widely in the aftermath of the Iranian shootdown of a Ukrainian airliner, killing all on board.

Reported the Post: "A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

"John Huber, the U.S. Attorney in Utah, was tapped in November 2017 by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into concerns raised by President Trump and his allies in Congress that the FBI had not fully pursued cases of possible corruption at the Clinton Foundation and during Clinton's time as secretary of state, when the U.S. government decided not to block the sale of a company called Uranium One.

"… The effective conclusion of his investigation, with no criminal charges or other known impacts, is likely to roil some in the GOP who had hoped the prosecutor would vindicate their long-held suspicions about a political rival."

Years ago, I filed a racketeering lawsuit that included as one of the Clinton defendants the Clinton Foundation. The lawyer who represented the foundation not coincidentally became one of the top prosecutors of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his now infamous Russian collusion investigation. Her name is Jeannie Rhee, and she was also instrumental in threatening to indict my brave client Dr. Jerome Corsi in this witch hunt, if Jerry would not agree to lie and implicate the president in Russian collusion. It regrettably came as no surprise to me that my racketeering lawsuit was dismissed, as it was supposedly randomly assigned to a Clinton-appointed federal judge, the Honorable Donald Middlebrooks, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

But, to the contrary, when President Trump's own Justice Department, run by someone who has been billed by the confused likes of Sean Hannity of Fox News as the equivalent of a "legal messiah," acts no differently than a politicized Clinton judicial appointee, this underscores what We the People are up against these days.

Not since the years leading up to the American Revolution, which in practice began long before the Declaration of Independence was signed in my birthplace of Philadelphia on or about July 4, 1776, has the citizenry seen such rank corruption in our system of justice.

Couple this with another overlooked story this week, that Chelsea Clinton has reaped $9 million dollars from a corporate board position – putting her in a league with Joe Biden's halfwit son Hunter's Urkrainian bribery shakedown (Hunter is also fresh from a court ruling in a paternity suit that he fathered a love child with a stripper and then denied it) – and it is easy to conclude that there is little to no justice from government law enforcement in the land of plenty these days for the political establishment elite. (Alexander Bolton, "Chelsea Clinton Reaps $9 Million From Corporate Board Position," The Hill, Jan. 6, 2020.)

So much for all of those self-serving pundits on Fox News, who night after night in prime time boost the network's ratings and ad dollars by promising that justice will be meted out by government law enforcement and that it's just around the corner. Just in the last months, AG Barr – on the verge of setting a new indoor world record for cowardice – has taken a dive not just with regard to the Clintons, but also former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, to name just a few. And, this week it was also reported that the compromised former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was proudly named a new partner of Atlanta based mega-law firm King & Spalding, proving once again that crime pays for the establishment elite.

Here is my post-New Year's message for these criminals. We at Freedom Watch are coming for you, and you will be held to account, peacefully and legally, by our citizens grand juries in 2020, with ensuing indictments, trials, convictions in peoples' courts and finally prison sentences. What choice do We the People have when our own Justice Department continues to be run by cowardly fools and compromised political hacks, even under our great President Donald J. Trump?

Go to and join and support our Justice League and play a direct role in restoring justice to our legal system through our hard-hitting cases and citizens grand juries.

Clintons skate again! Bill Barr takes another dive
Exclusive: Larry Klayman zings 'cowardly' AG after ending of Hillary probe
By Larry Klayman
Published January 10, 2020 at 7:18pm
The truth is: President Trump cannot call and question witnesses in his defense —— specifically asking Hillary Clinton about the Steele Dossier.

Filthy Diarrhea Mouth is lying thru her teeth.

Clinton was not going to be removed because a two-thirds majority was needed to convict. The Senate was split 50-50; so Trent Lott used his authority to make sure the public never heard Republicans ask witnesses penetrating questions that would expose Hillary’s collusion in Bill’s sexual activities, not to mention covering up his crimes.

Speaker Pelosi wants nothing more than to impose Trent Lott’s strategy on President Trump’s impeachment Senate Trial. Only this time it is to protect Hillary Clinton rather than protect her degenerate husband:

On January 7, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wrote her Democratic colleagues to explain her strategy and to respond to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) announcement that he would not negotiate impeachment trial procedures with the House. Instead, McConnell simply plans to use the procedures employed in the Clinton impeachment. Pelosi responded by writing:

Sadly, Leader McConnell has made clear that his loyalty is to the President and not the Constitution. Leader McConnell has insisted that the approach under consideration is identical to those of the Clinton trial and that “fair is fair.” This is simply not true. This process is not only unfair but designed to deprive Senators and the American people of crucial documents and testimony. Under the Clinton trial, witnesses were deposed.

Shit Mouth Pelosi is overworking the word "fair.”

The Fairness Doctrine (1949 - 1987) was implemented to force Americans to listen to the Democrat Party’s collectivist ideology. Liberal network FOX’s version of the Fairness Doctrine is already protecting Hillary Clinton.

“Fair” Is Foul

But, mind you, the process will only be deemed fair if the Democrats but not the Republicans get witnesses in the Senate trial. So, for example, Adam Schiff won’t be called as a witness (even though he claimed to have secret information about the case). Democrats oppose forcing the whistleblower to testify because of some unwritten rule requiring his identity to remain secret.

A Fair Senate Impeachment Trial? That’s What They’re Afraid Of
Adam Mill
January 12th, 2020
is the public’s last chance to put her in the slammer.

Senate Republicans will invoke Senate Rules until they come out the wazoo. It it all comes down to keeping Hillary from testifying under oath. Here is how it works.

When McConnell announces that Democrats cannot call their witnesses television mouths will make it look like Malfeasance Mitch was being unfair. The truth is: President Trump cannot call and question witnesses in his defense —— specifically asking Hillary Clinton about the Steele Dossier.

NOTE: Covering up for Hillary Clinton has been a conspiracy engineered by the DoJ from the day Donald Trump won the election. It turns out that AG Barr is a better conspirator than was AG Jeff Sessions:

The top people in the FBI are snakes. Mueller is a snake. He has been a snake throughout his pubic career, yet William Barr calls him a friend. What does that tell you about Barr? It tells me that a big snake was called in to coverup for a basket full of fellow career snakes.

Either Donald Trump is a naive poor judge of character, or Barr is the best AG available among a bad litter. The entire Mueller investigation was designed to shield Hillary Clinton against a charge of treason. It works. The filthy old hag is untouchable. They will not even touch her for minor crimes:


William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

McConnell already has the four Establishment Republican votes he needs to set the witness charade in motion. Best of all, the entire ‘witness scam’ gives McConnell the escape hatch he needs to shield Hillary.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn't want to include new witnesses and documents in the vote on the rules for the Senate trial. He'd prefer to vote on the rules and then hear the opening arguments from the House impeachment managers and President Trump's defense team before voting on calling witnesses or considering new evidence.

McConnell announced Tuesday that he has enough GOP support to move forward with the approach he prefers. The vote on the resolution determining the rules of the trial will, according to McConnell, mirrors the procedures used in the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Under the resolution, House impeachment managers and the president's defense team would deliver opening statements before the Senate would vote on whether to call witnesses or consider new evidence.

Susan Collins working with a "small group" of GOP senators to allow witnesses in impeachment trial
By Grace Segers, Kathryn Watson
January 10, 2020 / 4:51 PM / CBS News

Bottom line: Larry Klayman has been hitting the heavy bag pretty good in preparation for his championship bout against Big Bad Bob Barr with Hillary as the referee:

In the political and military turmoil if not madness over the killing of Iranian terrorist Quds commander Qassem Soleimani, as well as the stalled Pelosi impeachment caper, our compromised and do-nothing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) – now run by that overweight clone of former Attorney General Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, a neutered elephant going by the name of William "Bill" Barr – predictably and quietly let it be known this week that Barr would not bring charges against Hillary Clinton, or for that matter any Clinton, over alleged corruption at the Clinton Foundation. To me and other seasoned "special ops legal veterans" of the Washington, D.C., corrupt swamp, infested with dishonest reptilians of both major political parties, this came as no surprise. Not only are the "Clinton Gang of Three" – Hillary, Bill and their equally criminally minded daughter, all directors of the Clinton Foundation – a protected species of the capital's so-called law enforcement establishment, they are even more off limits than even the desert tortoises that roam over my client Cliven Bundy's ranch at Bunkerville, Nevada. Like the rest of the privileged, elitist beautiful people who reside along the Potomac, they can do as they please – in particular take bribes and steal with impunity.

The Washington Post, a newspaper not coincidentally represented by Williams & Connelly, whose lawyers such as David Kendall also represent the Clintons, was the first to leak the latest dive by our worthless attorney general and his equally worthless DOJ. Here is what the Post gleefully and sarcastically reported Thursday, which report was not picked up widely in the aftermath of the Iranian shootdown of a Ukrainian airliner, killing all on board.

Reported the Post: "A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

"John Huber, the U.S. Attorney in Utah, was tapped in November 2017 by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into concerns raised by President Trump and his allies in Congress that the FBI had not fully pursued cases of possible corruption at the Clinton Foundation and during Clinton's time as secretary of state, when the U.S. government decided not to block the sale of a company called Uranium One.

"… The effective conclusion of his investigation, with no criminal charges or other known impacts, is likely to roil some in the GOP who had hoped the prosecutor would vindicate their long-held suspicions about a political rival."

Years ago, I filed a racketeering lawsuit that included as one of the Clinton defendants the Clinton Foundation. The lawyer who represented the foundation not coincidentally became one of the top prosecutors of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his now infamous Russian collusion investigation. Her name is Jeannie Rhee, and she was also instrumental in threatening to indict my brave client Dr. Jerome Corsi in this witch hunt, if Jerry would not agree to lie and implicate the president in Russian collusion. It regrettably came as no surprise to me that my racketeering lawsuit was dismissed, as it was supposedly randomly assigned to a Clinton-appointed federal judge, the Honorable Donald Middlebrooks, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

But, to the contrary, when President Trump's own Justice Department, run by someone who has been billed by the confused likes of Sean Hannity of Fox News as the equivalent of a "legal messiah," acts no differently than a politicized Clinton judicial appointee, this underscores what We the People are up against these days.

Not since the years leading up to the American Revolution, which in practice began long before the Declaration of Independence was signed in my birthplace of Philadelphia on or about July 4, 1776, has the citizenry seen such rank corruption in our system of justice.

Couple this with another overlooked story this week, that Chelsea Clinton has reaped $9 million dollars from a corporate board position – putting her in a league with Joe Biden's halfwit son Hunter's Urkrainian bribery shakedown (Hunter is also fresh from a court ruling in a paternity suit that he fathered a love child with a stripper and then denied it) – and it is easy to conclude that there is little to no justice from government law enforcement in the land of plenty these days for the political establishment elite. (Alexander Bolton, "Chelsea Clinton Reaps $9 Million From Corporate Board Position," The Hill, Jan. 6, 2020.)

So much for all of those self-serving pundits on Fox News, who night after night in prime time boost the network's ratings and ad dollars by promising that justice will be meted out by government law enforcement and that it's just around the corner. Just in the last months, AG Barr – on the verge of setting a new indoor world record for cowardice – has taken a dive not just with regard to the Clintons, but also former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, to name just a few. And, this week it was also reported that the compromised former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was proudly named a new partner of Atlanta based mega-law firm King & Spalding, proving once again that crime pays for the establishment elite.

Here is my post-New Year's message for these criminals. We at Freedom Watch are coming for you, and you will be held to account, peacefully and legally, by our citizens grand juries in 2020, with ensuing indictments, trials, convictions in peoples' courts and finally prison sentences. What choice do We the People have when our own Justice Department continues to be run by cowardly fools and compromised political hacks, even under our great President Donald J. Trump?

Go to and join and support our Justice League and play a direct role in restoring justice to our legal system through our hard-hitting cases and citizens grand juries.

Clintons skate again! Bill Barr takes another dive
Exclusive: Larry Klayman zings 'cowardly' AG after ending of Hillary probe
By Larry Klayman
Published January 10, 2020 at 7:18pm
You should probably seek help with your Clinton Obsession, it’s not healthy.

throw your shits one and all under the bus

we don't care

have a stabbathon in the republican party

do it with glee

we wont stop you

heres a thought though

without the republican party licking his ass trumpy is wearing orange within days of a dead republican party

just keep stabbing

just keep stabbing

just keep stabbing
Why do Republicans want to shield her?

To Dark Soul: Senate Republicans might go after a crook like Senile Joe Biden, or even go after a dirty old Commie like Bernie Sanders, but they will never punish one of their own for treason.

The unwritten rule
“The crime is too big to punish.” is Hillary’s greatest protection and she knows it.

Outsider Trump might break the rule. That is why every Senator is running scared. Basically, McConnell only needs a few votes to stop Trump from questioning Hillary while the rest of them will still look good to voters after Trump is acquitted.
To Dark Soul: Senate Republicans might go after a crook like Senile Joe Biden, or even go after a dirty old Commie like Bernie Sanders, but they will never punish one of their own for treason.

The unwritten rule
“The crime is too big to punish.” is Hillary’s greatest protection and she knows it.

Outsider Trump might break the rule. That is why every Senator is running scared. Basically, McConnell only needs a few votes to stop Trump from questioning Hillary while the rest of them will still look good to voters after Trump is acquitted.

Doesn't make any sense. Are you saying that they are involved in her crimes?
Are you saying that they are involved in her crimes?

To Dark Soul: No. They conspire to coverup her crimes in order to protect the Senate’s reputation.

They do the same thing for John Kerry who committed treason in 1971 because he became a U.S. Senator. Handing Iran a path to nuclear weapons in his Iran Nuclear Deal and the things he is saying in defense of treason should be enough to at least charge him. They will not because of:

The unwritten rule “The crime is too big to punish.”

Put it this way. They will never allow the American people to see that nest of traitors for what it is.
To Dark Soul: No. They conspire to coverup her crimes in order to protect the Senate’s reputation.

They do the same thing for John Kerry who committed treason in 1971 because he became a U.S. Senator. Handing Iran a path to nuclear weapons in his Iran Nuclear Deal and the things he is saying in defense of treason should be enough to at least charge him. They will not because of:

Put it this way. They will never allow the American people to see that nest of traitors for what it is.

I accept your explanation, however I disagree that covering up crimes is good for a body's reputation.

I am a firm believer that the US government has long been a banana republic where crimes are routinely committed and covered up. I also believe that Trump is a disrupter and would like nothing better than to expose all this. I also believe that there are some members of Congress who wish to do the same. I hope with all sincerity that there are enough of them to make this happen.

It is said that the percentage of actual patriots during the American Revolution was only 10% of the population. Surely we are a higher percentage than that.

Here's a suggestion- GO GET A LIFE!

FYI Hillary is a private citizen

To Right Wingski: What is your point? So is a long list of Hillary’s co-conspirators who held government jobs at the time the crimes were committed. Most notably Huma Abedin who was double-dipping:

Weiner's wife Huma Abedin under scrutiny over two jobs
By Stephanie Condon
July 26, 2013 / 10:51 AM
CBS News

See this thread for details about Clinton, Abedin, and the Muslim Brotherhood:
Shit Mouth Pelosi is overworking the word "fair.”

Diarrhea Mouth sent Pencil Neck his marching orders:

“I think what the senators ought to do is take their oath to be impartial seriously and make this a serious and fair trial, fair to the president, yes, but also fair to the American people.

Schiff: Calling Bidens to Testify Would Turn Impeachment into a Sham
by Pam Key
13 Jan 2020

You can bet the family jewels that Democrats will swear Hillary Clinton testifying would not be fair to President Trump, or fair to the American people!

p.s. Had I missed the Breitbart headline I would not waste a minute of my valuable time on The View. In fact, I had to look up Abby Huntsman to find out who she is. Lo and behold, I found out she is leaving the show. I gather Huntsman lost the cat fight to Meghan McCain:

Abby Huntsman leaves 'The View' amid toxic culture at show and strained relationship with Meghan McCain
By Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy, CNN Business
Updated 6:08 PM ET, Mon January 13, 2020

Speaker Pelosi wants nothing more than to impose Trent Lott’s strategy on President Trump’s impeachment Senate Trial. Only this time it is to protect Hillary Clinton rather than protect her degenerate husband:

Pelosi’s charade will fade away faster than the feces she dumped on the streets of San Francisco.
The American people have one thing to look forward to after Diarrhea Mouth leaves Congress. On the day she realizes she is alone with her lies she will look into the mirror and see an ugly, despicable, old hag’s mirror image staring back at her.

My only question is: How can Pelosi’s family live with a disgusting old woman that is hated by most Americans? The only thing that comes to mind is that Pelosi has lot of money socked away to buy her family’s love just as she did when she enriched her husband with tax dollars.

Pelosi Subsidies Benefit Husband’s Investment in Dem Mega-Donor’s Company
Lachlan Markay
August 15, 2014 12:00 PM

It gets expensive when Pelosi has pay people to listen her lies when the money comes out of her own pocket.

Finally, Diarrhea Mouth is wrong again:


Donald Trump will be remembered as a successful president, while Pelosi will always be associated with feces.
The last thing Moscow Mitch wants is Clinton on the stand.

To jimmymccready: All tings considered, McConnell might not be able to protect Hillary if Trump’s lawyers call her as a witness.

Bottom line: Trump has a campaign promise to keep. Simply charging Clinton should be enough even if she pleads the Fifth during the Senate trial:

. . . the public’s last chance to put her in the slammer.
The OP is crazy stuff.

The last thing Moscow Mitch wants is Clinton on the stand.

Exactly, this poster is a cork, he puts out lengthy narratives usually copy and pasted off of right wing bloggers, "RT" was even a favorite of his on a number of occasions, and pieces in out of context quotes from legitimate sources to make it look real

Right, just what Mitch wants, turn his show into more Benghazi hearings, like they went so well the first, second, third, and probably fourth time around