Trump calls on Milley to resign


Verified User
You think the trump WH was going to give an honest evaluation of what he did? :rofl2:


And it is the Left who have abandoned all the standards of honesty and trustworthiness.

When we began importing foreigners into our country, people who have no history, tradition or experience with honesty and integrity in governing or journalism, they brought to us their values of distrust and automatically disbelieving anything their hated political opponent might say whether true or not.

Foreigners spread this poison into our culture until now Liberals act like foreigners and project their mistrust of Conservatives as though they were Jews and the others were Nazis.

This is not how we were until the late 1990's.

So, now all I can say is that if he says or said anything that was untrue, he still values his reputation for honesty and anyone who can prove he isn't telling the truth will be seen as a big, big man if he can prove the President is lying.

Go to it, big man.