Trump can't even play a president on TV. America, we're on our own.

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Trump is back to making a mockery of daily briefings and fostering confusion among Americans at a time when they are desperate for straight talk. As the nation struggles with an unpredictable pandemic it shouldn’t have to endure an unpredictable president.

Trump’s public posture is an elaborate contrivance, as we’ve known all along. The best the nation could hope for as the health crisis deepened was that Trump would stay out of the way — allowing capable experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci to handle critical communications, while the president practiced happy talk about “miracles.”

But Trump couldn’t avoid being Trump. He took to calling COVID-19 “the Chinese virus.” He so intimidated his coronavirus team that each member was compelled to lavish praise on the president, with Pence so driven that he sounded like the warm-up act at a campaign rally.

The briefings have become a daily soap opera, with the president providing a dangerous mix of faulty assumptions, personal hunches and outright distortions.
Hello guno,

Trump is back to making a mockery of daily briefings and fostering confusion among Americans at a time when they are desperate for straight talk. As the nation struggles with an unpredictable pandemic it shouldn’t have to endure an unpredictable president.

Trump’s public posture is an elaborate contrivance, as we’ve known all along. The best the nation could hope for as the health crisis deepened was that Trump would stay out of the way — allowing capable experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci to handle critical communications, while the president practiced happy talk about “miracles.”

But Trump couldn’t avoid being Trump. He took to calling COVID-19 “the Chinese virus.” He so intimidated his coronavirus team that each member was compelled to lavish praise on the president, with Pence so driven that he sounded like the warm-up act at a campaign rally.

The briefings have become a daily soap opera, with the president providing a dangerous mix of faulty assumptions, personal hunches and outright distortions.

Yeah, I thought he delegated this to Pence.

Why do we still keep seeing his face?

Why is he still acting like he cares?

Everybody knows it's fake.

Oh, he cares alright - about himself.
Trump is back to making a mockery of daily briefings and fostering confusion among Americans at a time when they are desperate for straight talk. As the nation struggles with an unpredictable pandemic it shouldn’t have to endure an unpredictable president.

Trump’s public posture is an elaborate contrivance, as we’ve known all along. The best the nation could hope for as the health crisis deepened was that Trump would stay out of the way — allowing capable experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci to handle critical communications, while the president practiced happy talk about “miracles.”

But Trump couldn’t avoid being Trump. He took to calling COVID-19 “the Chinese virus.” He so intimidated his coronavirus team that each member was compelled to lavish praise on the president, with Pence so driven that he sounded like the warm-up act at a campaign rally.

The briefings have become a daily soap opera, with the president providing a dangerous mix of faulty assumptions, personal hunches and outright distortions.

At a time like this, it would be nice to have someone who acted like a leader, acted presidential
Trump is back to making a mockery of daily briefings and fostering confusion among Americans at a time when they are desperate for straight talk. As the nation struggles with an unpredictable pandemic it shouldn’t have to endure an unpredictable president.

Trump’s public posture is an elaborate contrivance, as we’ve known all along. The best the nation could hope for as the health crisis deepened was that Trump would stay out of the way — allowing capable experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci to handle critical communications, while the president practiced happy talk about “miracles.”

But Trump couldn’t avoid being Trump. He took to calling COVID-19 “the Chinese virus.” He so intimidated his coronavirus team that each member was compelled to lavish praise on the president, with Pence so driven that he sounded like the warm-up act at a campaign rally.

The briefings have become a daily soap opera, with the president providing a dangerous mix of faulty assumptions, personal hunches and outright distortions.

Dr. Fauci publicly contradicted trump about the value of chloroquine to treat the virus. I fear the good doctor's days are numbered. :D