tRUMP continues to lie about Corona Virus testing: Here are a few examples.


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tRUMP continues to claim that EVERYONE who wants a test can get a test. Not true. In many places the ONLY people with access to testing are those who show symptoms. Since many virus carriers are asymptomatic, many carriers remain untested.

tRUMP says that a great many people have been tested. Not true. Currently, we have only tested between 1-2 % of the country's population.

tRUMP says that the number of tests are increasing daily. Not true. In fact, daily testing has plateaued at around 150k tests per day. To date, medical experts recommend that 500k tests be performed each day.

tRUMP says that our "positivity" remains the lowest in the world. Not true. Our current positivity is between 18-19% percent. Globally, the positivity rate is about 11%.

These are just a few examples of blatant lies without even mentioning the lies about Hydroxy.
Post up your proof ... I don’t trust you !

I dont cater to "lazy" people. Do you own research just like I did. tRump counts on his minions being either too lazy, too uneducated or a combination of both, to ever research what he says.
I do the research. As such, I can pronounce him a certified Pathological Liar.
I dont cater to "lazy" people. Do you own research just like I did. tRump counts on his minions being either too lazy, too uneducated or a combination of both, to ever research what he says.
I do the research. As such, I can pronounce him a certified Pathological Liar.

And YOU are TOO STUPID to post up facts to prove your BULLSHIT !
The first thing to do is remember Trump is stupid and does not prepare. The speech he just finished included " We are watching coronavirus closely, very closely, this invisible enemy".Does he not proofread? Can he think at all? If Obama said dumb shit like that the rightys would have savaged him.
Yes, you have to qualify for a test. You need symptoms and history of travelling abroad or in contact with known Corona cases. Some people have been rejected by several test stations.
Until we get to the point Trump lied about, that anyone who wants a test can get one, we need to expand testing and get more kits. It not just on an individual level, but national so scientists can track Corona's progress across the nation and we can determine whatever conditions spared some people and what made some more vulnerable. The Spanish flu came in 3 waves., The second which came 6 months after the first became quiet, essentially killed everyone who got it.
Rightys live in a fantasy world where nothing bad is going to happen to them, so do not defend the country from flus and Coronas. It is wasteful.