Trump Could Begin "Draining The Swamp" Like Right Now


Verified User
If you want to know the definition of BIG government, just look at the number of civilian employee appointments Trump will be making. The number under the Obama administration hit 3,700. Deputies, deputies for deputies, ass kissers, hanger ons, and every other blob with connections with somebody in government.

OK, if Trump really wants to begin “draining the swamp,” he has a perfect chance, just by beginning with chopping the swamp of Presidential appointees. Does anybody here really believe that many Presidential appointees are doing necessary, important jobs? Is watching porno on the net all day really an important government job?
He will fill everyone of them.. Free party favors that don't cost him a cent..

There will be a draining, but it won't be the swamp..
He will fill everyone of them.. Free party favors that don't cost him a cent..

There will be a draining, but it won't be the swamp..

Have you called your congressman yet in support of Nasty Nancy Pelosi Commie? Looks like the Democrat's Civil War is under way and wants to take Trump's advise and "FIRE" Nasty Nancy's stinkin commie ass, huh cxommie?
Have you called your congressman yet in support of Nasty Nancy Pelosi Commie? Looks like the Democrat's Civil War is under way and wants to take Trump's advise and "FIRE" Nasty Nancy's stinkin commie ass, huh cxommie?

You upset Canadian? Why not mind your own fuckin country, y'all are about to get booted from nafta, don't try to come here, No Canadians allowed!!!lol
You upset Canadian? Why not mind your own fuckin country, y'all are about to get booted from nafta, don't try to come here, No Canadians allowed!!!lol

I was an American patriot before your fucking brain ran down your momma's leg, moron!
Now, now Robo, you be a nice chap, remember you're rePing your country here...:(

You never presented a rational honest argument in your brain-dead life commie! Your every post us pathetic gibber, moron!
You never presented a rational honest argument in your brain-dead life commie! Your every post us pathetic gibber, moron!

This is an American speaking board here... If you wish to speak kanadian go some place else you foreign devil.....:(
