Trump criticizes Pelosi saying she's 'no longer the speaker of the House'

Trump is a demented old cracka
The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law," Pelosi said Tuesday.

Leave it to those crooks on Capitol Hill Islamidiotocracy of no one is above the law demagoguery where Rehnquist's supreme swastika up Uranus court Bicentennial Reichquest of selling US American citizens into a churchstate fiefdom lynching enforcement "serve the Pope or die" mass neurosis of fascism repeat of Catholic Church megalomaniacal brokering Islam oil for Jewish deaths in the Holocaust; as in withdrawal from university to attempt to render immediate medical care to a WW I Vet, while lynching enforcement makes a joke out of having to replace yet another automobile exhaust tube which had been leaking, seemingly more times over the course of a few years than reasonably expected about like that absentee voting ballot theft while attending university gas for the lungs from a lit space heater flame being extinguished while sleeping & then recovering from an illness attempting medical care for a Washington, D.C. born W II Vet who, while trying to have lunch & discuss D.C. sports underwent those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Arab fabled flying carpet business of Mengele concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations being sold off as Islam with an immaculate supreme swastika up Uranus court drug conception. This Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate despicable months of mass psychosis of fascism during attempting to render medical care to a retired federal employee who may have been a WW II Veteran working for the company certainly has those crooks on Capital Hill national religion of thieving US Constitutions - old glorys presented by Ike for business excellence - Israel old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists business propaganda too dang lily brilliant white SCOTUS genocide pogrom of an unAmerican patriot act.
Trump is a fucking noisemaker. He says things to rile up the uneducated and those who vote against their own interests. They do not question , just wave their maggot hats.
Pelosi is the speaker of the house. She is addressed as Madam Speaker. Trump makes more noise.
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