Trump cuts off one of his closest friends

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Tom Barrack and Donald Trump have been friends and confidants for more than three decades — the two men are so close, for instance, that Barrack comforted Trump during the funeral of his father, Fred.

But the intimate relationship between the wealthy California investor and the president has fractured so badly that the two no longer speak, current and former White House officials say.

Trump was “really upset” to read reports about Barrack’s role in allegedly making it easy for some foreigners and others to try to spend money to get access to Trump and his inner circle and whether some of the inauguration money was misspent, according to a senior administration official.

“The president was really surprised to read all about the inauguration and who was trying to buy access and how, because the president doesn’t get any of that money,” said the official.

(The inaugural committee spent more than $1.5 million at Trump’s hotel in Washington.)
Fox in beginning to bail on him too

they are all about the money

trumpy iss going down

they need to pretend they were not his tool
ROTFLMAO, Trumppy does not have friends, instead he knows people he can use for a time, then throw away.
Trump uses people. When they are no longer useful he shit cans them. He does not have feelings for other people. A man without empathy is dangerous when he is president, it is terrifying.