Trump election commissioner believes voter turnout is ‘far higher’ with ‘poll taxes a


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Trump election commissioner believes voter turnout is ‘far higher’ with ‘poll taxes and literacy tests
William M. Gardner, the chairman of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, suggeseted in an interview this week that voter turnout would be higher if the country returned to Jim Crow-era poll taxes and literacy tests.

The New York Times reported on Monday that Gardner is already being called on to resign his post after he argued that the Connecticut election results were likely fixed.

“Critics say the commission is a pretext for Republican efforts to make it harder to register and to vote, and that it will reach a predetermined conclusion, that tough new rules are needed to prevent fraud,” the Times noted. “Studies have repeatedly shown that illegal voting is very rare, and that voter impersonation — perhaps the main danger suggested by advocates of tighter election rules — is next to nonexistent.”

Those studies, however, don’t hold sway with Gardner, who told the paper that additional voting restrictions could be a boon to turnout
logic explains it........if you normally get 200M people to vote out of 300M registered.....and you decide that 50M shouldn't be'll probably get 200M/250M voters instead of 200M/300M your turnout goes from 67% to 80%......
jim crow poll taxes did NOT INCREASE VOTER TURNOUT LIAR

Yeah you democrats hated black voters when they weren't voting for you

Now that you have them enslaved again you love em

Make no mistake, if blacks didn't vote 90% for the democrat party you would hate them
If your kind didn't hate blacks, any people of color, and most religious groups you would hate them anyway. After all, your kind only has hate if one is not a white conservative Christian, hopefully not Catholic.