Trump, election, voting and your hate of America


New member
I never have yet voted for a single solitary republican.
No republican has yet received my vote.

John Kerry -2004, Both Primary and General.
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary.
Barrack Obama - 2008 General.
Barrack Obama - 2012 General.
Bernie Sanders- 2016 Primary.
Hillary Clinton - 2016 General.
Bernie Sanders- 2020 Primary.
Joe Biden- 2020 General.

I haven't been anywhere near DC, in about 20 years.

And you know what ?
Joe Biden is the president...
And you can shut the fuck up about Trump any time now..

Because if you don't like how the South and Midwest votes..
Maybe you have three options, and it's about time that they were handed to you..

A. Get the fuck out of America.
B. Fight civil war 2, this time against your own union allies from Civil War 1.
Or C. Go fuck yourself.

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I never have yet voted for a single solitary republican.
No republican has yet received my vote.

John Kerry -2004, Both Primary and General.
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary.
Barrack Obama - 2008 General.
Barrack Obama - 2012 General.
Bernie Sanders- 2016 Primary.
Hillary Clinton - 2016 General.
Bernie Sanders- 2020 Primary.
Joe Biden- 2020 General.
I never have yet voted for a single solitary democrat.
No democrat has yet received my vote.

Mitt Romney - 2012 General.
Donald Trump - 2016 Primary.
Donald Trump - 2016 General.
Donald Trump - 2020 Primary.
Donald Trump - 2020 General. (this election faulted)

Additionally, it appears as if you don't actually want the Demonkkkrats that the Demonkkkrat Party chooses for you.

I haven't been anywhere near DC, in about 20 years.
Neither have I.

And you know what ?
Joe Biden is the president...
No, he is not. Joe Biden is the installed Prime Minister of the newly formed SODC (Socialist Oligarchy of the District of Columbia).

And you can shut the fuck up about Trump any time now..
YOU and YOUR fellow Demonkkkrats are who keep injecting his name into every political conversation. The issue is YOURS.

Because if you don't like how the South and Midwest votes..
The 2020 election faulted. There was no valid election held in numerous States, including my own State of Wisconsin.

Maybe you have three options, and it's about time that they were handed to you..

A. Get the fuck out of America.
The USA no longer exists. It is now split up between the SOA, SOTNY, SOTC, and SODC. The SODC still acts as if it has power over the SOA, so the SOA will need to individually decide whether or not to ally with the SODC or to declare independence from them.

B. Fight civil war 2, this time against your own union allies from Civil War 1.
There was never a civil war in the USA (only a war of secession between the Union and the Confederates, who were two separate countries at the time). A civil war has already been brewing here, and will likely flare up in the near future depending upon how tyrannical the SODC wishes to become (same with various State Governors).

Or C. Go fuck yourself.

You should take your own advice.
I never have yet voted for a single solitary republican.
No republican has yet received my vote.

John Kerry -2004, Both Primary and General.
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary.
Barrack Obama - 2008 General.
Barrack Obama - 2012 General.
Bernie Sanders- 2016 Primary.
Hillary Clinton - 2016 General.
Bernie Sanders- 2020 Primary.
Joe Biden- 2020 General.

I haven't been anywhere near DC, in about 20 years.

And you know what ?
Joe Biden is the president...
And you can shut the fuck up about Trump any time now..

Because if you don't like how the South and Midwest votes..
Maybe you have three options, and it's about time that they were handed to you..

A. Get the fuck out of America.
B. Fight civil war 2, this time against your own union allies from Civil War 1.
Or C. Go fuck yourself.


Nobody gives a flying fuck asshole.