tRump: Exactly why in 1778, delegate George Mason opposed the Presidential Pardon.


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George Mason, delegate to Constitutional Convention, said in 1788 that a President should not be granted power to pardon because he might "pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy, and destroy the republic."
& the trumpkins cheer.......
The same ones that bitched & moaned that other presidents pardoned...
Revenge is all they crave, & they will take it w/ them to the grave........:thinking:
Hello Tacomaman,

George Mason, delegate to Constitutional Convention, said in 1788 that a President should not be granted power to pardon because he might "pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy, and destroy the republic."

I agree it is too much power to place in one person.

Maybe pardons should be an act of Congress, with the consent of the Supreme Court, and requiring the approval of the president.
The pardoning power was supposed to right wrongs, not save those who were complicit in your crimes. Trump is connected to almost all those he pardoned. He is even using pardons for his benefit. Trump being Trump.
George Mason, delegate to Constitutional Convention, said in 1788 that a President should not be granted power to pardon because he might "pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy, and destroy the republic."

The power to pardon is another huge flaw in the Constitution.
The power to pardon is another huge flaw in the Constitution.

It has never been abused like this. And Trump will do a lot worse by Jan.20. The founders had the idea that gentlemen and those who respect the law would be president. They did not think a man stunted in psychological development and self-serving like trump would get in office.
It is not the pardoning power that is bad, but the guy who has it now.
It has never been abused like this. And Trump will do a lot worse by Jan.20. The founders had the idea that gentlemen and those who respect the law would be president. They did not think a man stunted in psychological development and self-serving like trump would get in office.
It is not the pardoning power that is bad, but the guy who has it now.

Obama gave 212 pardons and 1,715 commutations. Not a word from the left...
Obama gave 212 pardons and 1,715 commutations. Not a word from the left...

How many had direct or indirect ties protecting Obama??? How many protected witnesses CONVICTED of lying to Federal prosecutors received pardons. How many child murderers did Obama pardon?

You culties cannot defend tRump and it gets more hilarious by the day. Nobody is talking about the numbers, just the blatant corruption of the recipients.

That said, you were likely one of these hipocrits who has bitched for years about Clinton and Marc Rich. Now that your God is doing worse, it is suddenly

That is said, I know that you trumploving guys love to lie like your master, but you are being a bit deceptive here. Obama had 8 years in office and was term limited. tRump was fired after only one term. As such, your comparison is simply ridiculous "alternative facts".
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It has never been abused like this. And Trump will do a lot worse by Jan.20. The founders had the idea that gentlemen and those who respect the law would be president. They did not think a man stunted in psychological development and self-serving like trump would get in office.
It is not the pardoning power that is bad, but the guy who has it now.

Don't agree. Pardoning power is bad. We treat the President like a king.