Trump Faith Adviser Paula White Dedicates White House as ‘Holy Ground’

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Paula White, a televangelist who is a key spiritual adviser to and supporter of President Trump, preached at Morris Cerullo’s church in California last month, where she bragged about using her access to Trump to dedicate the White House as “holy ground” covered by “the superior blood of Jesus.”

Crazy cannibal pasty faced goyim, America's sub species

drink that blood and gobble the flesh :palm:
Paula White, a televangelist who is a key spiritual adviser to and supporter of President Trump, preached at Morris Cerullo’s church in California last month, where she bragged about using her access to Trump to dedicate the White House as “holy ground” covered by “the superior blood of Jesus.”

Crazy cannibal pasty faced goyim, America's sub species

drink that blood and gobble the flesh :palm:

The White House is the new Nut-House! LOL!
Paula White, a televangelist who is a key spiritual adviser to and supporter of President Trump, preached at Morris Cerullo’s church in California last month, where she bragged about using her access to Trump to dedicate the White House as “holy ground” covered by “the superior blood of Jesus.”

The :laugh: and :rofl2: things are totally inadequate at times. This is one of those times.
Paula White, a televangelist who is a key spiritual adviser to and supporter of President Trump, preached at Morris Cerullo’s church in California last month, where she bragged about using her access to Trump to dedicate the White House as “holy ground” covered by “the superior blood of Jesus.”

Crazy cannibal pasty faced goyim, America's sub species

drink that blood and gobble the flesh :palm:

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.