APP - Trump has every right and every obligation to fill the seat


Former Vice President
Let's start off with all of the lame arguments put forth by the Democrat Media Industrial Complex and marxists who will parrot those lines

1) Ruth Bader Ginsburg's wishes are irrelevant. This wasn't her seat. She doesn't own it. She has no claim to it. Her wishes on who should fill it or when are irrelevant
2) The US President serves a term for four years. There is nothing in law saying that he can only fulfill those duties for a partial time and they should be suspended
3) Regardless of what happens on Election Day, President Trump is President until Inauguration Day in January and that is PLENTY of time to fill the seat
4) We have had two elections that have determined who will decide who goes on the Court. 2016 and 2018 where the Republicans picked up two seats.

Every other argument is specious, without merit and has no force of law. Bringing up what Republicans did with Merrick Garland is irrelevant and akin to school yard "he did it first" BS. Would I be mad if the roles were reversed? Yup. But that is politics. It ain't bean bag.

Politically it is a total win for President Trump and the Republicans to move forward. If they don't then they will lose the election. First of all, Trump will hopefully nominate a female to mitigate what we know will be Ballsy Ford like accusations of rape and sexual assault as a first grader.

These will be the most closely watched confirmation hearings and while the media and the Biden campaign have been trying to hide Kamala Harris she will be front and center during this hearing because she sits on the Judiciary Committee. How she treats this candidate will be watched very closely.

Even if Trump loses the vote because of some wishy washy Republicans like Murkowski, Collins and Romney he will still win because it will completely energize the Republican base

Trump and the Republicans cannot lose by attempting to fill this seat. Ignore the left wing punditry. They know this is true as well and it scares them