Trump has made it clear: the only 'real Americans' are white and Christian

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Strange since that trumps demographic is self cleansing and now only 40% of Americas population

Instead, his remarks suggest that “real Americans” are precisely two things: white and Christian. And the whole of his presidency has been an attempt to push this view by linking symbols of America with an exclusionary ethnic and religious nationalism.

This approach plays on the fears that changes occurring in the United States are disrupting the American way of life. A March 2017 Associated Press-NORC poll found that seven in 10 Americans believe the country is losing its identity, but there was little agreement on what the primary threats were. For Trump’s party, its members felt that illegal immigration was the biggest threat to the American identity. And they believe that speaking English and sharing a culture based on Christian beliefs and European values are at the core of the nation’s identity. Sociologists Rhys Williams suggests this is a result of the sub rosa association that makes “white Christian American” the baseline and default cultural understanding of the United States.

The president has intertwined these fears and the perceived threat felt by some of white America with a clinging to the nation’s symbols, even going so far as to literally hug the flag at times, as way of laying claim to “real Americanism” for himself and his supporters. This necessarily means that he considers those who oppose him and his presidency – especially those who are people of color or of other faiths – must be lesser versions of American.

Thankfully America is being cleansed of the virulent strain of trash and it's so called "kulture"

Evangelical Christians Helped Elect Donald Trump, but Their Time as a Major Political Force Is Coming to an End
Strange since that trumps demographic is self cleansing and now only 40% of Americas population

Thankfully America is being cleansed of the virulent strain of trash and it's so called "kulture"

Evangelical Christians Helped Elect Donald Trump, but Their Time as a Major Political Force Is Coming to an End

"Evangelical Christians Helped Elect Donald Trump, but Their Time as a Major Political Force Is Coming to an End"

I sure hope that, that is true; who needs a faith that is devoid of humanity.
Trump is the first atheist president in a long time. He is using the religious in America. Religion has trained them to believe and follow authority figures. Trump took advantage of that.
Unfortunately this USA Christian Nation national religion of "serve the Pope or die" as Nazi Germany Kristallnacht business in it's either the fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception or Holocaust has evolved into the second coming of the cross is higher than the flag with Rehnquist's 9/11 immaculate drug conception standing of Islamophobia Pedophilia patriot act "death to the infidels" Reichquest of lynching enforcement business with Al Qaeda & after those crooks on Capital Hill Bicentennial thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonist jihads.
"Trump has made it clear: the only 'real Americans' are white and Christian"

Well he's half right.

Like that Freudian slip of history where the British had fighter jets in the Revolutionary War just as those burning Bush's had Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" flying carpets for that 9/11 health care patriot act.