Trump insults Warmbier family and disgraces himself with Kim support.


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i watched in utter disbelief the comments that Trump made regarding the tragic death of Otto Warmbier. By now, it should be obvious to most that Trump is certainly a mentally unstable individual who would much prefer being a dictator than a duly elected leader. I also find it amazing that not one of the current crop of spineless Republicans denounced Trump's despicable comments. Then again, given the current crop of Republicans, we really should not be surprised.
There are no republicans anymore. There are Trumplestilskins or scared reds who have given all their power to Trump and are hiding in their bunkers. The Repub party has no direction, no power and no values. They are too afraid to be ashamed . McConnell and Ryan talked tough when Trumpy was running, but they took a knee when he won.
Trump said he believed a crazy dictator over his intelligence agencies. That is what he did with Putin too. Kim runs the country but had no knowledge that an American had been captured and was being tortured to death. Yeah, sure.