Trump is a baby Christian!


He's had four fucking years you'd think he'd be a little better by this time don't you and stop being such an evil piece of shit? You Christians are the cruelest, most selfish, most barbaric people of all the people on the United States, what kind of shit do you think your playing saying you worship Jesus? Trump is as he is not a baby Christian , he is the personification of the core of the American Christian, selfish, cruel, lustful, evil, barbaric. You are barbaric monsters, your are the fucking devil you selfish animals. You will burn in hell and I will laugh right next to you watching your suffering.

You gullible idiots are being taken for a ride. You are the most evil people in the entire world. You are the personification of sin.
You literally just use Jesus as an excuse for your evil and sinning even as your gleefully continue on! Do you really think the most powerful being in the universe is such a fucking rube! God your are animals. The most evil people in the world have to worship a God of forgiveness, they seek forgiveness from a God who asks no questions and has no right to forgive you, rather than their many limitless victims! Seek forgiveness from your victims, not from God!