Trump Is A Case Study In Awful Leadership

Its not Trumps fault that pretty much the entire Failed Elite Class went on strike because they were not happy that the America people picked Trump even though we were instructed that this is not allowed by our masters.

It was the following that was the problem, not the leading.
It really is fascinating that Trump, as POTUS, exhibited every single negative leadership trait imaginable.

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Its not Trumps fault that pretty much the entire Failed Elite Class went on strike because they were not happy that the America people picked Trump even though we were instructed that this is not allowed by our masters.

It was the following that was the problem, not the leading.

Who created the Frankenstein monster?

Was Dr. Frankenstein responsible in any way?

Decades of keeping black Americans from voting And gerrymandering to weaken the power of democratic votes

Paired with lies from Fox News made the Republican Party what it is now

It needs to die

Along with fox
Its not Trumps fault that pretty much the entire Failed Elite Class went on strike because they were not happy that the America people picked Trump even though we were instructed that this is not allowed by our masters.

It was the following that was the problem, not the leading.

Here we go again with the undefined generalizations, the “failed Elite class,” which I imagine are interchangeable with the “the Revolution,” “deep state,” “globalists,” or just, “you know, those people, offers nothing
and yet.....three SC justices and over 300 other federal judges.....

That was Mitch’s doing, not Trump, Mitch it all up, quite unethically, but all Trump had to do was take the list the Heritage sent him, interview the candidates for fealty, and then leave it all up to Mitch. Bozo the clown could have done what Trump did
The ONLY, major difference between Trump and other POTUS's?

Is that he blathered out whatever he thought - whether it was smart or stupid.

Whereas 99.99% of ALL, other, major politicians say NOTHING on instinct.

I think Trump is a man child and an idiot.
And was a TERRIBLE POTUS (though I thought that about Biden, Obama, GWB, etc.).

But I do not think for one second that he has done ANYTHING more illegal than ANY other POTUS has done in history.
Biden illegally had an American murdered without trial - for fuck's sake.
And authorized double-tap drone strikes on innocent, first responders.
That is a fucking, war crime.
Oh...but since he is a lefty - you lefties will over look it.
Fucking hypocrites.

Basically, the main shit that people hate about him seems to be that he simply refuses to 'act properly'.
And save Jan. 6.
You lefties HATED Trump before he even got into office.
Simply because he refuses to play ball - and acts like a man child in public.

Now, I could not give a shit that the FBI raided his home.
He is not above the law.
The right just doesn't like the way 'it looks'.
'How dare the FBI raid an ex-POTUS's home'
Ohhh, boo fucking hoo.
He'll survive.
LOTS of people get their homes searched.
Big, fucking deal.

But - having typed that - like every time the left says 'they got Trump'?
It looks pretty solid (from what I have seen) that the latest attempt to make Trump pay for talking too much?
And get him imprisoned?
Is going to fail MASSIVELY - like they ALL have before.

When the fuck will the left leave the guy alone?
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