Trump Is a Health Hazard to His Supporters

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Donald Trump rose to office on promises to make white America “great again.” But the actual policies involved in bringing about such greatness end up making working-class white lives harder, sicker, and shorter. :)

I’ve come to this conclusion after studying the rise of white “backlash” politics in Southern and Midwestern US states for my book, Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America's Heartland. These are the anti-government, anti-immigrant, pro-gun politics that promise to defend or restore the interests of white Americans. Such themes, which have been part of American political discourse for decades, were given new life with the rise of groups such as the Tea Party during the Obama years—and then became central refrains of President Trump’s rise to power. They now affect the government’s approaches to issues ranging from debates about immigration to efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Under the Trump administration, backlash politics also shape issues such as gun policies and tax cuts.
The list goes on. In Kansas, GOP tax cuts that became the model for Trump’s 2016 tax bill eviscerated budgets at public schools without presenting any strategies for boosting education for the children of working-class families. Class sizes rose, while many poor districts eliminated student support services such as after-school programing, teacher salaries, and certain districts even had to end the school year earlier. Metrics such as high school dropout and falling graduation rates rose dramatically for working-class white children.

MAGA trumpanzees ?
mutant "brains"

One was an ability of GOP voters, especially those who mistrusted the government, to hold seemingly conflicting thoughts about government services. “I’d be dead without my Medicaid,” one man told the Tennessee focus groups I led, and next said, without a hint of irony, “the ACA is socialism in its most evil form.”
mutant "brains"

One was an ability of GOP voters, especially those who mistrusted the government, to hold seemingly conflicting thoughts about government services. “I’d be dead without my Medicaid,” one man told the Tennessee focus groups I led, and next said, without a hint of irony, “the ACA is socialism in its most evil form.”

My fav was the sign saying "government keep your hands of my Social Security".