It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones. Calvin Coolidge
Hillary Clinton lost the election in 2016 because of everything Donald Trump campaigned against. Trump signed a bad bill that surely put a smug look on Hillary’s face:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted the $1.4 trillion spending bill that passed the House and Senate this week and was signed into law by President Donald Trump on Friday.
Trump still talks a good game at never-ending campaign stops, while he slowly moves Left inch by inch. God only knows how many giant steps he will take to the Left during a second term?
Irrespective of Pelosi’s impeachment fiasco Trump stands a good chance of losing the election in 2020 because he is gutless.
Look for Trump’s professional ass-kissers on FOX —— Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin —— tell us every day how many campaign promises Trump kept. So far, I have not seen Trump keep one promise that benefits conservative Americans. What I see is conservatives staying home next November.
One thing stands above the details in Dr. Susan Berry article —— the Gutless-Tangerine is now the new heavyweight champion for Wall Street’s absentee owners; a title previously held by the Democrat Party since 1945.
NOTE: Once upon a time —— when major newspapers were half-ass logical —— they put the daily stock market report on the same page as thoroughbred racing results. Nowadays, television devotes hours every day to so-called economic news that is nothing more than advertising for Wall Street’s gambling casinos.
Now I know why I was right rooting for Ted Cruz in 2016. Sad to say, Establishment Republicans and the Parasite Class sharing the same public trough make it impossible for Cruz to knock off Trump for the nomination in 2020.
The senator said the spending deal benefits the “lobbyists who are bankrupting this country,” and told CBS 11 it represents “lobbyists’ Christmas present.”
“While you were with your family, shopping for Christmas, the lobbyists were spending and spending,” Cruz said in his video message.
“Nobody’s read it,” Cruz said as he puffed on a cigar. “There isn’t a person alive who has read this piece of garbage.”
Cruz called out some of the items in the bill that were included without debate and a separate vote. He noted, for example, the spending deal “extends the Export-Import Bank for seven years.”
The bank, which provides loans to promote the foreign purchases of U.S. goods, is “one of the greatest corporate boondoggles – corporate welfare,” the senator asserted.
The massive spending bill also raises the tobacco purchasing age to 21.
Cruz ridiculed this provision, citing that soldiers can be drafted at age 18, but “God help you if you want to have a smoke.”
The senator pointed out the spending bill also “funds government research on gun control.”
“Can’t you wait for the report from the Centers for Disease Control … bogus studies that are going to be used to take away your constitutional rights,” Cruz stated.
The senator added that the spending bill:
– continues tax breaks for “so-called” renewable energy
– fails to stop sanctuary cities
– fails to defund Planned Parenthood and fails to end Obamacare
– fails to stop sanctuary cities
– fails to defund Planned Parenthood and fails to end Obamacare
While a pro-abortion rights amendment proposed by New Hampshire Democrat Jeanne Shaheen – one that would have undermined Trump’s pro-life policies overseas – was not included in the final spending package, America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, remains funded by taxpayers.
Pro-life organization Live Action observed that, since the spending deal fails to end Obamacare, its sex education program, known as PREP, will still receive $75 million, and $3 million of the PREP funding will go to Planned Parenthood.
Ted Cruz Blasts Spending Bill: Funds Planned Parenthood, Gun Control
by Dr. Susan Berry
21 Dec 2019