Trump is destroying his credibility with the world


Verified User
No shit?!! Trump does not have any credibility left!

WRONG: the whiny liberal left and the FAKE media are doing that; and a damned good job they are doing as well. But in the end, it will serve to marginalize whiny, ignorant liberal commies from political power.
The Trump train has already derailed, and any Republicans who don't jump off now most likely can't jump off because they took laundered Russian Super-PAC $$, used stolen voter data hacked by Russia or did both.
Choo-choo! CRASH!
The Trump train has already derailed, and any Republicans who don't jump off now most likely can't jump off because they took laundered Russian Super-PAC $$, used stolen voter data hacked by Russia or did both.
Choo-choo! CRASH!

The only thing de-railing are liberal talking points and their tiny empty little brains. Dunce.