APP - Trump is making a very big mistake


He should not be inserting himself into the Alabama election. I don't see any sign that Luther Strange has a chance to win that election and less of a chance that Trump can pull him across the finish line. If this is his idea,it is a bad one. If he is being advised to do it (as I suspect) he is being poorly served.

It is clear that Kelly is having a negative influence on Trump

For many, Trump's was less about him and more about seeing a chance to save our country from the liberal assault. The liberals knew it too, which is why they launched into attack mode. For far too long, many people have recognized that there is not much difference between the two parties. Oh they like to make you think there is, like two brothers fighting over the last cupcake. But, where it really matters? The things that will lead this country to financial and cultural ruin? They are indistinguishable.

The debt? Not a hairs bit of difference
Illegal Immigration? Not a hairs bit of difference
Abortion? Republicans say they oppose it but keep funding Planned Parenthood

For many of us this fight is not over and for some it hasn't even begun because they don't even realize they are in a fight yet.
"For many of us this fight is not over and for some it hasn't even begun because they don't even realize they are in a fight yet."

well said