Trump Is Now Trolling Women Journalists By Suggesting They Behave Like Donna Reed


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Donna Reed, famous for embodying the definition of perfect American housewife in the 50s and 60s and starring opposite of Jimmy Stewart in It’s A Wonderful Life is trending at a time when it is anything but wonderful in America. But the reason for her trending status online actually has nothing to do with Reed herself and everything to do with President Donald Trump using her as an example for how women, specifically journalists, ought to behave.

In an interview with the New York Post addressing the return of White House press briefings, Trump singled out two CBS News journalists, Weijia Jiang and Paula Reid, as people who especially irritated him. When describing their line of questioning during briefings, Trump said that, “It wasn’t Donna Reed, I can tell you that.” Trump also called out the women’s “attitudes” as a point of frustration after suggesting they were nothing like a 50s housewife, saying, “Paula Reid, she’s sitting there and I say, ‘How angry. I mean, what’s the purpose?’ They’re not even tough questions, but you see the attitude of these people, it’s like incredible.”

Trump it's 2020, not 1958 dumb-ass!!


Poor trump, those mean women got blood coming out of you know where.:mad:

They need to know their place, ask nice questions like what is your favorite color??:nodyes: