APP - Trump is really taking it to the democrat party

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Schumer rejects White House immigration plan

Trump has Chuck Schumer boxed in a corner.

Trump has just offered up a massive compromise to let the Dreamers stay which the democrat party claims is extremely important to them.

All President Trump wants in return is meaningful enforcement. Most rational Americans can see that it is Trump compromising and the democrat party’s intransigence

The timing could not be more perfect as we head into President Trumps State of the Union where he will call out the democrat party.

Now which road does Chuck Schumer choose?

Does he defy his base heading into the mid terms by compromising with President Trump? Something the base abhors

Or does he turn off independents who will see Trump as trying to negotiate a compromise

Either way this turns out badly for the democrat party.

They have been out maneuvered by President Trump again. They are out of their league.
Word is that the democrat party is going to have so if these so called dreamers in the gallery for the State of the Union. I hope they do and I hope Trump calls them out and says “welcome, I offered the democrat party a compromise for you to be able to stay here. Please ask Senator Schumer and Leader Pelosi why they are rejecting it”

It would make liberals heads explode

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