Trump is something special

Nine months after the presidential election, the loser refuses to concede.

Has this ever happened before? No. In modern times the loser has always publicly conceded. This is not just a matter of custom or good manners. It’s about the loser acknowledging the outcome and calling on his followers to do the same, which is essential for the wellbeing of the Republic.

As Al Gore said in 2000 in a far closer contest:
“Tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”

That is what Trump refuses to do. Either he knows with absolute certainty that there was sufficient election fraud to account for a 7 million vote defeat – or he’s a self-obsessed egomaniac who doesn’t give a damn for the people or the Republic. Which is it?
Nine months after the presidential election, the loser refuses to concede.

Has this ever happened before? No. In modern times the loser has always publicly conceded. This is not just a matter of custom or good manners. It’s about the loser acknowledging the outcome and calling on his followers to do the same, which is essential for the wellbeing of the Republic.

As Al Gore said in 2000 in a far closer contest:
“Tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”

That is what Trump refuses to do. Either he knows with absolute certainty that there was sufficient election fraud to account for a 7 million vote defeat – or he’s a self-obsessed egomaniac who doesn’t give a damn for the people or the Republic. Which is it?

It's called being a good loser. You admit the game was fought fairly and the other team prevailed.

Trump has been a criminal his whole life and never respects anybody.
Nine months after the presidential election, the loser refuses to concede.

Has this ever happened before? No. In modern times the loser has always publicly conceded. This is not just a matter of custom or good manners. It’s about the loser acknowledging the outcome and calling on his followers to do the same, which is essential for the wellbeing of the Republic.

As Al Gore said in 2000 in a far closer contest:
“Tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”

That is what Trump refuses to do. Either he knows with absolute certainty that there was sufficient election fraud to account for a 7 million vote defeat – or he’s a self-obsessed egomaniac who doesn’t give a damn for the people or the Republic. Which is it?

Trump is a lying sack of shit.
Donald Judas Trump could give two shits about this country, the millions who support him or the media that keep his name in print...what this glorified maniac gives a shit about is keeping his pockets, his bank account and his family's coffers, filled to the brink with donor dollars from the millions that still think he's top shit.
No doubt you still sit up at night on Dec. 24, hoping to catch Santa, don't you? lol

Actually when I do "sit up at night on Dec. 24, hoping to catch Santa" - I am the Santa the gkids are trying to catch ... so to answer your question ... YES ... Thank you for asking.
No reason to concede that which you haven't lost

Yet no declared loser of a presidential election has ever refused to concede (or in earlier times, to go away without throwing tantrums).

Your argument would mean that every election since at least 1896 was completely above board and beyond dispute - except 2020, when suddenly there was enough fraud to sink Trump by 7 million votes.

You believe that?
America chastised other nations for not having a peaceful and adult turnover after elections. It was a bragging point. Trump totally fucked that up, like everything else he touches. We cannot get that back. Trump also destroyed America in international pacts by simply walking away from the Iraq nuke deal. Now our word has no meaning. We can make deals and the next prez can just end it. \
Trump is essentially anti-American. He is just pro-trump. He decides everything.
Trump is anti everything but Trump and money. As long as the money keeps rolling into his bank account, the monster will support and defend anything, including a democrat.
Nine months after the presidential election, the loser refuses to concede.

Has this ever happened before? No. In modern times the loser has always publicly conceded. This is not just a matter of custom or good manners. It’s about the loser acknowledging the outcome and calling on his followers to do the same, which is essential for the wellbeing of the Republic.

As Al Gore said in 2000 in a far closer contest:
“Tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”

That is what Trump refuses to do. Either he knows with absolute certainty that there was sufficient election fraud to account for a 7 million vote defeat – or he’s a self-obsessed egomaniac who doesn’t give a damn for the people or the Republic. Which is it?

I this Trump? ;)
Nine months after the presidential election, the loser refuses to concede.

Has this ever happened before? No. In modern times the loser has always publicly conceded. This is not just a matter of custom or good manners. It’s about the loser acknowledging the outcome and calling on his followers to do the same, which is essential for the wellbeing of the Republic.

As Al Gore said in 2000 in a far closer contest:
“Tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”

That is what Trump refuses to do. Either he knows with absolute certainty that there was sufficient election fraud to account for a 7 million vote defeat – or he’s a self-obsessed egomaniac who doesn’t give a damn for the people or the Republic. Which is it?

tRump the sewer conspiring criminal against humanity would indeed be something special at Sing Sing forever or the rest of his natural disgusting life. Since the creature has been hanging around in New York lately, Sing Sing is not that far away for his hide.