Trump Is Up Against a Demographic Time Bomb

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The death rattle

Trump is effectively legislating himself out of power. Demographic trends show he is ruling for a base that will soon be an electoral minority, while alienating a demographic that will soon hold the balance of power. Trump and his acolytes are facing a demographic time bomb, and the more he does to alienate everyone except his base, the worse it will get for everyone. The United States is governed today by a generation of politicians who are at the end of their careers and reflect a political era that is drawing to a close. In them, we are seeing the last gasps of 1950s America



Demographic captured Wisconsin and Minnesota and Nevada back and possibly NV. Still has a way to go in OH.

Nearly took FL, GA, and TX.

Took 37 seats in the House.
True, but the biggest change, and one that will keep the Republicans vital is the demographics between urban and rural. Currently like seventy percent of the population live in urban areas, and they are grossly underrepresented given the make up of the Senate. States like Wyoming still has two Senators and three electoral votes even though cities as metro Buffalo, NY is easily larger

Unless something changes, rural areas will continue to have greater political influence even though less and less people will be living there